Friday, January 09, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Adam cracking up because he put one of his big coins in my mouth.

My silly boys

After Jacob took this picture he said, "Maybe you should post that on the blog".

I woke the boys up at 7:45am. We got snow during the night. Jacob was excited that his prayer was answered. While I was cleaning the snow off the van the boys had fun shoveling with their new snow shovels. The roads were bad so it was slow driving. On the way to church Jacob kept saying, "I'm watching for the church, I'll tell you when I see it". Were back to watching the kids on Wednesday's and Jacob is very excited about it. There were eight kids in class today. The boys had fun. Around 11:30 we headed over to Salvation Army. The boys ate a packed lunch. Vikki met us there soon after we arrived. From there we went to Goodwill. Around 3:30 Vikki took us out to eat at Big Boy. We had a great time together. Thanks for spending the day with us Vikki! We got home around 5pm. The roads were still very slick. This evening the boys had fun playing in a bubble bath. I made lots of bubbles using the tub jets. They stayed in the tub for almost an hour. Jared went outside to plow the driveway. The boys were in bed around 9pm.

Here are some cute pictures that Vikki took.

Jacob was drinking his chocolate milk with his arms behind his head.
Adam helping himself to some of Aunt "Bippi's" desert.


Anonymous said...

Sweet pictures of Vicki and the kids. Family is so important.

Melissa said...

Cute how Jacob is holding his hands behind his head while drinking.