Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jacob love this little Bible.

"Doctor" Adam.

Jacob showing off his artwork.

The "Talent Show". In the picture below Daddy had just fallen on his back during Trick #1. Adam is comforting him with a kiss.
Trick #2

Kenzie is showing Uncle Jared how its done.
This is what they call the "Grand Puba" of all tricks. You have to hold your foot and then jump over your leg without letting go of your foot.

Knee walking. Uncle Jared claimed to be a "Master Kneewalker".
Jacob laughing as he watches.
Knee walking race. If you fall you start back at the beginning.

Jared took Kenzie to Nana’s on his way to work this morning. Jacob came to lye in bed with me around 7:30. Adam started talking at around 8:30. The boys wanted eggs again for breakfast this morning. Then Jacob asked to play with his automoblox and toolbox. When Adam wanted to play at the counter too Jacob said, “I can get your wooden cars for you Adam” as he ran to get them. We watched Clifford. Then I got out some paper, glitter and glue. I trace different shape circles to make a snowman on each of the boy’s paper. They had fun decorating them with glue and glitter and markers. While I was helping Adam, Jacob tried opening one of the glitter containers. As he popped the top off, the glitter came up right into his eye. He cried as I rinsed his eye and got the glitter cleaned out. Soon he was ready to decorate again. The boys still wanted to use the glitter and glue after they had finished their snowmen, so I wrote their names on a piece of paper and let them decorate that. Jacob traced each letter with glue and then decorated the letters with glitter. I helped Adam trace his letters and he helped me sprinkle on the glitter. After lunch we had fun playing doctor. Adam was being goofy and running back and forth behind the rocking chair. He’d run to one side, look at me, and say, “doctor” then do the same on the other side. The boys had fun playing with the tricycle. Jacob pushed Adam all around the house. After snack time we read some books together. We also sang some songs. They boys love the song, “Head, and Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”. Jacob helped me tuck Adam in his crib for a nap. Then Jacob and I read some books together and cuddled in the rocking chair. We then lay down on the air mattress in Jacob bedroom and both fell asleep. I woke up around 4pm. Jacob came out to the couch around 5:30 and fell asleep for about 15 minutes. Then he and I cuddled until Adam woke up around 6pm. Jared and Kenzie got home soon after that. While waiting for dinner Jacob and Kenzie played with the barn at the counter. I thought it was sweet when Jacob climbed down to give Adam one of his tractors. Adam also played with some of his tools. After dinner Jacob and Kenzie played with playdoh. Kenzie was looking forward to having a “talent show” this evening. Her and Uncle Jared took turns picking a trick and the other would have three chances to do that same trick. They didn’t have to use all their chances but the last time was the one I (the judge) scored. Kenzie didn’t want me to tell them their score but instead wanted me to write it down for a final score at the end. We got a lot of good laughs. The kids were tucked in bed around 9:30. Jacob didn't fall asleep until around 10:30.


Anonymous said...

Jacob, I love seeing you show off your art work. Your snowman is so tall and your name is so colorful.

Adam, you look as if you are a good doctor who knows how to use all his special instruments.

Jared, I think that real knee-walking is done with the legs crossed across each other in a simple lotus position -- then up on your knees. This is the tradition of your uncles -- I remember Uncle Rick showing me how to do this.

Kimmy, the Lucy stamp will be out in August!!!! I think all your friends and family need to send you lots and lots of letters with Lucy and Ethel eating chocolates!!!! Are you excited?

Melissa said...

The talent show looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

looks like such a great talent show. So funny to see the action pictures. Wish I could have seen it in person. I would have enjoyed all the laughs.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Lucy stamps - that is exciting!