Thursday, May 01, 2008

This morning we got to Mom's house around 7:15am. Jacob likes to ask, "what we do-in?". Mom wasn't there and as I took Jacob out of his car seat I said, "I wonder where Nana is". Jacob looked at me and said, "maybe at Grandpa's" sounding very sure of himself. Mom got there shortly before 10am and Vikki got there soon after. We got things ready and headed over to a nice bike trail around a pond. We rode around 5 times and then took the boys to play at the playground. Jacob saw the playground and said, "I wanna go play there". We all had lots of fun. Jacob loved running on the ramps and going down the slides. He also liked to play "MicDonalds" with us - selling us food and drinks. Adam liked the big mirror and also liked climbing up on the step stools and then falling off them and saying, "weeee". Got home around 1pm and had a late lunch. Around 2:00 Jacob rested on the couch (after cuddling with Nana on the chair) and I put Adam down for a nap. Then I went downstairs to sit by Jacob on the couch. We played with his tractors and talked. Jacob and I met Vikki and Kenzie at the park around 3pm. Adam stayed napping at Nana's. Vikki and I sat on the bench and drank our coffee's while watched the dogs play. Jacob sat next to Vikki while patiently waiting to go play at the playground. Kenzie picked him a bunch of purple flowers and he loved them. I took Kenzie and Jacob over to play. Jacob especially liked playing with his tractor in the sand. He loved when Kenzie and I build walls out of the sand that he could demolish with his tractor. At 4pm we left to pick Jared up from work then got back to Mom's around 4:30. I nursed Adam and then we left with my parents and Kenzie for a long drive to check out a coast to coast camp resort. Jacob slept on the trip there. The kids played in the playroom and snacked on goodies. They loved looking at the large salt water tank. After my parents signed some paperwork and stuff we took a drive to check out the place. We are looking forward to checking out the campsites in our area. Mom, Kenzie and I sat in the back of our van and had fun together on the trip back home. Got back late and went out to Culvers for dinner. At home, after Jacob's had his pj's on, he crawled into bed and didn't even want to read - he was very tired. I cuddled with a sleeping Adam in the chair as we watched Lost.