Friday, May 09, 2008

Jacob came walking down the hallway with his blanket this morning at around 9:45. He said, “Truman puked in me bedroom” and wanted to show me. Then he had to go pee really bad and ran to the bathroom saying, “I’m gonna pee in me pants”. He did a little “potty dance” as he ran to the potty. All day today he has used the potty without any help. He used to have a hard time pulling his pants up straight but even did good with that today. He is also doing better at dressing himself. He puts on his underware and socks first and then gets to choose either putting on his shirt or his pants. He has a more difficult time putting on his shirt but that is what he usually chooses and he is getting much better at it. After he was dressed he went out to the living room and lined up his ride on vehicles to make himself a bed. He pretended to be asleep. This morning Jacob played with a trucks and tractor sticker book we got for 10 cents at a garage sale yesterday. Adam loves sitting on the ride on dump truck and pushing all the buttons. Whenever Jacob would sit on the dump truck Adam would get upset. After lunch we went outside until naptime. Adam was still asleep when Daddy got home from work. We fed the animals and then filled some feedbags with sand to take to a guy that works with Jared. After dinner we headed into town and went over to Daren’s house to drop off the sand bags. He got there soon after we did. Jacob really liked him and didn’t want to leave. We stopped to get some groceries before going home. Got home after 9pm.


Melissa said...

I thought Jacob was really sleeping in that picture at first.