Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Daddy being goofy.

Playing find the lego with Daddy.

Watching Daddy mix them up.

Jacob being goofy.

We all slept in until 9am. After breakfast I got out the ride on dump truck that has been put away. The boys had fun playing with it together. Jacob would ride slow on it with Adam pushing from behind. We watched Sesame Street and played until lunchtime. Adam was really tired around 12:30 so I lay him down for an early nap. Jacob played with his cars and blocks while I got a few things done. Then we went outside. Jacob played in his sand and I dug up some grass by the side of the house. Then I played in the sand with him. We walked over to look in the ditch. I pushed him around in his truck and he’d say, “green light” for me to go and “red light” when he wanted me to stop. He drove the truck to the barn and we took care of the animals. Adam slept for 3 ½ hrs. It was chilly outside and sprinkling off and on so we dressed warm. When we came inside I made Jacob some “hot chocolate milk”. I cuddled with Adam on the couch after he woke up. Jacob couldn’t wait for Adam to get down and play with him. When I told him I thought he wanted to cuddle for a little longer he spoke to Adam in a soft voice and said, “Adam you wanna get down and play, with me, on you truck”. Adam did get down and Jacob ran to get his ride on truck. Jacob rode around on his tractor. We went to salvation army and meijer this evening. After we got home Adam was really fussy and wanted to be held. He was happy when I got out his snack and drink. I am slowly weaning him off from nursing. He is down to nursing three times a day. I have been giving him milk in a cup which he doesn’t like much. He’ll take drinks and spit half of it out. This evening we watched American Idol to see who won. Jacob fell asleep laying on the couch with Daddy.


Melissa said...

I like all the birthday hat pictures. Jacob looks like he's really into finding that hidden lego too.

Anonymous said...

Well, big brother has little brother in the work position. No wonder big brother wanted to play with little brother. Push, push Adam. Go faster Adam. Try harder Adam. You can do it, Adam. How fast he learns what little brother can do.

Brother Cassian said...

How can you tell when Jared is being goofy?