Saturday, May 10, 2008

Adam woke up to nurse around 6am. He stayed in our bed until around 7am. He would crawl over to Truman give him a big hug. The chatty little boy would crawl over to Daddy saying, "Daddy" and then back to me saying, "Mommy". I woke back up around 9:30 and Jared was up with the boys. Adam had already ate his breakfast and Daddy was getting him dressed. Jacob was eating a bowl of cheerios. We headed into town for drinks and donuts around 10am. Jacob talked alot to the "ATM lady". When we came to the traffic light he said, "red light tays stop, green light tays go". Daddy then taught him that the yellow light means to go faster. I tried to teach him that it meant slow down but he stuck with Daddy on that one. Stopped at Salvation army and Goodwill. Then we stopped to pick up chicken food. After lunch we went outside. We put a coat of spray paint on the freezer. Our neighbor and her kids came by for a visit. Jacob had fun playing with Nick. Took Adam in for his nap around 3pm. Jacob and I took a trip into town for some more spray paint. When I pulled into Walmarts parking lot Jacob looked over at Home Depot and said, "no me wanna go here, I just wanna go at Home Depot". He had fun counting out some paint cans and picking out some ice cream. I had to wake Adam up from his nap because it was after 6pm and he was still asleep. After bathtime Adam ran around the house naked. He liked running around with Jacob's pj's. After I pray with Jacob we always talk about our day. Tonight he said, "you wanna talk with me?".