Friday, May 02, 2008

Got to Mom's house around 7:30. Adam fell asleep around 8am and slept until 10:15. Jacob lay with me in Kenzie's bed until 9am. At 11:00 we left to meet Vikki and Kenzie at the park. They brought their dogs and we brought Truman to run at the dog park. We cleaned up all the messes in the park because it needed to be done. Kenzie was a great help. Around noon we had lunch. Then I took the boys over to the playground where Kenzie was playing. Vikki stayed with the dogs. Truman was not happy that we had left so we went back. Mom came with her dog Mocha. She also brought me some sunscreen for the boys. We left shortly after 2pm and headed over to Mom's. Vikki cooked hotdogs on the grill which were yummy. Adam took a short nap. We left to pick up Jared around 4:30. Kenzie came home with us. She brought a school project for us to help her on. Jacob fell asleep in the car on the drive home. He woke up only to say, "hi Mommy, I love you" as I lay him in his bedroom. Adam was being really goofy. We have a soft little soccer ball and he'd bend over to put it in his mouth without using his hand. Then he walk over to show me with his head tilted up. He'd smile really big when I'd tap on the ball while it was still in his mouth. Jacob woke up around 7pm. I warmed him up some dinner. Tonight we had ice cream and watched the Cars movie.