Saturday, May 03, 2008

This morning I packed lunches for the kids before we left for drinks and donuts . We planned on going over to Jeanne and Leonard's house for a visit. We got to their house around 10am. Kenzie loved playing with the animals, especially the dogs and baby goats. Jacob played in the dirt with his tractor and a horse grain scoop. He also liked "fishing" with the horse whip. Jared and Kenzie helped unload a trailer load of hay bales. Jacob liked sweeping the hay off the trailer with the push broom. Adam also wanted to walk around on the trailer. Kenzie and Jacob went into the kennel with the goats. They loved holding the baby goats and both of them crawled into the small igloo (dog house). Jacob was picking up a goat and got hurt somehow by his eye. Maybe kicked or butted, but I'm not sure. He cried some but didn't want to get out. We left around 1pm with some dirty kids:) We always had a great time there and had a nice visit. Went to mom's house which is nearby to get the kids somewhat cleaned up and fed. Vikki met us there to pick up Kenize. Outside today was around 70 degrees but very windy. Around 6:30 this evening Mel and Bruce brought the kids over for us to watch while they went out for dinner. Max and Jacob both wanted to ride on the ride-on tractor, but did a great job taking turns. Hailey and Max were really excited to take the bag of carrots they had brought out to feed the animals. All the kids wanted to take turns carrying the bag out to the barn. While they were feeding Sammy through the fence I crawled in to take a picture. Then they each wanted to take turns coming in with me. They also took some carrots to Nutmeg and to the goats and the sheep. Hailey asked to look at the chickens in the coop first and then she wanted to go look at the broilers. As we walked back inside Hailey turned around and held out her hands out to me saying, "Feel my hands". I felt them and said, "they feel cold" to which she replied, "can we have some hot chocolate?". I gave them some hot chocolate and snacks when we got inside. My boys definetly needed a bath tonight so I decided to give them all a bath. First Hailey asked if she could help me give Adam a bath. She was a great help. Then Daddy took him to get him dressed. Jacob and Hailey got in the tub. After they were washed Max came in to join them. They had fun. Afterwards they all liked looking at themselves together in the mirror with just their towels on. Once they were dried they all raced down the hallway in their towels and attached Daddy/Uncle Jared who was laying on the floor. We got their pj's on and they sat on the couch with snacks watching Cars. Mel and Bruce got there just after we had put the movie in.


Melissa said...

Thanks for watching the kids for us. They sure had a great time. I love all the pictures. They look so cute with their hoods up. And the bath pictures turned out cute too. I love you and thanks again.