Monday, May 05, 2008

The bird nest is in the bush behind the boys in this picture.

This morning Jacob wanted to watch the bulldozer video so we put that in. After breakfast we all played together on the floor. The was a large blanket on the couch so I hid under it and the boys hurried to come find me. They both wanted to hide under the blanket with me so we hid on the dogs. The boys laughed so hard as the dogs kept poking their heads to get in. I'd uncover us and Jacob would say, "do it again". Jacob was practicing using his tricycle this morning. When I'd show him how to do it he'd get frustrated, shake his head and say, "I can't do it". After lunch we went outside. It was a breezy, sunny day. The boys walked around in the grass picking dandelion's and found some sticks. Jacob had his flashlight and liked sticking it in the crawdad holes. I pushed Adam in the swing and Jacob played on the steps and the slide. Then we all went up in the fort to play. Adam loves the steering wheels and also likes to try and push his head through the pieces of wood. I gave the boys a ride in their wagon several times up and down our driveway. I noticed a blue broken birds egg so I checked in the bush by the house and found four baby robins in a nest. Jacob asked to look so I lifted him and he smiled and said, "dere in a bird nest". We went to check on the chickens and opened the front windows to the coop. We went back inside around 2:30. Kate went crazy in Adam's room while we were outside and climbed up on his dresser. She put lots of deep scratches in the dresser and a huge rip in the changing table pad. She knew she was naughty and ran under the crib. Jacob came over to me and asked, "what'd Kate do?". I showed him and he said, "oh". I lay Adam down for his nap around 3pm and Jacob rested in his bedroom. I got a few things done and then went in the bedroom to play legos with Jacob. Around 4:30 we went outside to take care of the animals. Jared came home while we were still outside. Jacob was excited to show him the bird nest in the bush. This evening we went out to fazoli's for dinner. Then we walked around the mall. Both boys had fun playing with the trains on the train table at Barnes and Noble. There were several other kids playing at the table also. After a while we took the kids to play at the play area in the mall. They were the only kids playing in there today. Got home around 8:30pm. This evening Daddy was playing with the boys and lay on the floor covering his head with his flannel. Jacob would jump on Daddy's back laughing and Adam would crawl over and try to peek in the hold by Daddy's head.


The Daddy said...

Maybe thats what is wrong with Jareds back..he's got a Jacob on it

Melissa said...

Max says the same thing when I try to show him how to pedal his tricycle.

Anonymous said...

I love Jacobs hair. Super cute!