Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cuddling with Aunt "Meme".

Jacob talking and singing in his microphone

This morning Jacob was really excited to give me my Mothers Day gift. He gave me three bags and jumped up and down excitedly while I opened my cards. In one of the bags I got a beautiful bag/purse. I'm always grabbing a plastic grocery bag so I can use this instead. The other two bags each had ten pair of socks which I really needed. We also went out for coffee and muffins/donuts. This afternoon it was pizza for lunch and then we headed over to Mom's house. We stopped on the way to pick up their pizza from Antonio's. Vikki and her family were there already and Mel and her family arrived soon after. While Adam and Max were napping and Jacob and Hailey were resting Mom, Mel, and I took a drive to visit Grandma's grave site. It was cold, windy, and raining outside. I sure do miss Grandma, especially on days like today when we all get together. Adam woke up when we got back. Jacob sat on Mel's lap for a long time. He loved her hair and kept commenting that it was so soft. He even had me feel it. Hailey had a hangnail on her toe. When Jacob saw it he pulled it off for her. After dinner we took the kids down to the basement. Hailey and the boys had fun riding around the ping pong table with the ride on cars and the tricycle. Adam came down and had fun playing down there also. His forth molar has finally cut through. He started saying, "Meme, Meme" for Aunt Missy. We put the boys in their pj's before leaving for home. They both fell asleep on the drive home and stayed asleep as we put them into bed. We took care of the animals. There was an opossum in the barn that Jared had to shoot.


Melissa said...

I love that picture of Hailey and Jacob sliding off the chair.

Anonymous said...

Kimmy and JB...You have the cutest little boys. I am so happy you are having so much fun with them. Shooting? Now that's another story for sure. I bet the opposum was smashed to smitherines. It is so cold here. The rain has stopped and plants probably are drowning. Nice today but RAIN tomorrow. We can't win in May.
Thanks for the pictures...I want to play with my Michigan grandbabies. Boo Hoo.

The Daddy said...

ummmm opposum soup...Guess Kimmy wil be busy getting the meat off the opposum for opposum soup...dont you remember what Mark Mann said..if you shoot it you eat it!

Anonymous said...

No opposum soup here, gross. For us, if you shoot it you throw it in the woods.