Thursday, May 29, 2008


Jared took a picture of his plate.

"ummm, that was some good chicken"

Around 9am Jacob and I went outside to get a chicken out of the freezer for dinner. Jacob said, “dat already gone, I love dat chicken”. We played with his tractors in the sand for a little while. While Adam was eating his breakfast Jacob and I played with the cash register and his cars. He pointed at his tractor tire and said, “dis got tix hundred tires”. Then he crawled his hand towards me on the counter and said, “hi, I a lobber (lobster)”. Adam danced really cute during Sesame Street. He wouldn't dance the same when I got the camera out to take a video. Jacob had me tie his wagon onto his dump truck and he had lots of fun today pulling it around. He piled lots of books on it to pull behind him. I went through Jacob’s dresser and packed away clothes that don’t fit him anymore. Then I organized his drawers. I got out the moon sand to play with at the counter. Adam walked around the house carrying the package that Jacob’s fishing pole came in. Both boys took naps today and woke up around 5:30. They both woke up at the same time and wanted Mommy to hold them. They sat on my lap and we cuddled together. Then Jacob wanted to show Daddy the moon sand. I went outside to take care of the animals. Took the boys out on the deck to play until dinner was ready. We had chicken (farm fresh), carrots, and potatoes for dinner. I wasn’t sure I wanted to try the chicken but I did and it was good. Jared was really excited about this meal. The boys ate very well. Adam liked everything put on his tray. Jacob really liked the potatoes and carrots and tried some chicken. This evening we went back out on the deck until bedtime. We read to the boys outside. After the boys were in bed we watched the season finale of Lost.


The Daddy said...

so which one was the chicken you ate...emily, martha, jane, mary ann, ginger, Mrs. Thurston Howell the 3rd? Looked pretty good too

Brother Cassian said...

Here in Georgia we are coming IN from the outside deck because it is starting to get to be TOO HOT and HUMID to stay outside!

Anonymous said... are one crazy guy. JB...did the chicken taste different then the store bought. It's been to long since I ate a chicken from the hen house. Save one for us when we visit.

Anonymous said...

Eric, you are crazy. We don't name our eating chicken.
Lela, I think Jared mentioned bringing a chicken down when we come for our visit.

Anonymous said...

That anonymous person is me.

Melissa said...

I really like that picture of Jacob coloring on the deck. And the chicken dinner sure looks good. Makes me hungry.