Wednesday, May 07, 2008

This morning we went out for breakfast with my Mom's church group. They meet for breakfast every Wed am. Vikki also was there. Jacob had a prayer request to go to the playground. While Mom was praying and was on his prayer request I peeked to see him smiling really big. Afterwards we went to Vikki's house to plant some lilac bushes by her house. Jacob liked helping fill up the bucket to water them. Then we headed over to a nearby playground. We had lots of fun especially on the big sit n spin thing. We stayed there until lunchtime. The weather was cool and it felt like it was going to rain. Back at Vikki's house we did the dishes while the boys ate their lunch. Adam took a nap. We watched some episodes of John & Kate +8. Around 2:30 we headed over to Mom's. Both boys fell asleep on the drive there. I left them in the car while I went in quick to called Jared. I picked Jared up from work around 3:30. We went back to Mom's house to pick up the truck and trailer. Headed over to Grandpa's house to pick up a deep freezer we bought from him for $20. It's an old freezer but its in great shape - it even has the owner's manual. I got some good laughs while reading that old manual. The boys got out to walk around outside at Grandpa's while I helped Jared load it onto the trailer. Dad showed up to help but we had it loaded by the time he got there. After we got home and unloaded it we headed over to a nearby deeler to look at their Huskavarna lawn tractors. Jared knew which one he wanted and had lots of questions to ask the guy. The boys walked around the place. Jacob found a brochure book on tractors and then Adam found a paper to walk around with. Jacob looked at me and said, "Adam's got mail too". We bought the tractor and loaded it onto the trailer. Jacob liked watching them put it on the trailer. Jared tried it out right away when we got home. He gave Jacob a ride and then I got give it a try. Its really nice and even has cruse control. I'm glad we won't have to push mow our lawn anymore. It seems like we've been mowing every day and haven't gotten anywhere with it.


Anonymous said...

Wow...the tractor looks like something from Cars. You have got to decide on a name. Does it talk? Mowing grass with a push doesn't work! More playgrounds? How many have you been to?

Anonymous said...

The tractor doesn't talk but it could get a name. I'm not sure how many playgrounds we've been to recentely. There sure are alot of nice ones around.

Anonymous said...

I am remembering Mater spinning around. I hope JB doesn't try to do that. The best thing about playgrounds is that they are free. Well, it takes some gas to get to them. Big plant sale tomorrow and Sat. Today it looks like the flood is starting in the flowerbeds. Lots of RAIN! I bought 7 quarts and 1 gal container with flowers. All perennials. Yahoo. This has been a wonderful spring in Indiana

Melissa said...

Nice tractor. You have way too big of a yard to mow with a push mower. By the time you got it all mowed, it would be time to start over again. Cute pictures. Jacob looks good in that color blue. It matches his eyes.