Friday, May 23, 2008

Trail through the woods at the dog park.
Jacob found a couple sticks - one we had to bring home. He reminds me of his Grandfather.

My tired boys


Jacob slept well last night but woke up a little before 7am. Adam slept until almost 8:30. We watched Clifford as we ate our breakfast this morning. When Adam saw what was on and heard the beginning music he started dancing and sounded like he tried to say Clifford. Jacob and I played with Mr. Potato’s head’s. Then Jacob drove around on the dump truck with Adam pushing for a little while. Adam didn’t want to do that anymore and Jacob really tried to get him to want to. Jacob took the tractor and trunk into our entrance way and when I asked him what he was doing he said, “I just visiting Jeanne and Leonard, you wanna come tee Jeanie and Leonard?” Then he said, “lets go tee Jeanne and Leonard’s horses, you wanna come with me?” He led me over by the table where we pretended to look at and pet some horses. Vikki got to our house around 11:30 and I had the car packed and the boys ready in their seats when she got there. We took Truman and Izzy to the dog park near the tridge. Had to stop to get gas on the way. Once at the dog park we sat at a picnic table and ate lunch while the dogs ran around. Then we took a walk through a trail in the woods. Izzy found something nasty to roll in and smelled awful! Vikki wanted to leave her there. Jacob and I took a long hike to find some soap. We went over the tridge and got some from in the bathroom. It was a fun walk. Jacob loves to “race”. We saw some ducks in the river and also saw a duck and her babies. Once we got back Jacob and I gave Izzy a bath under the fountain. I really soaped her up good and she smelled much better after that. We let her run around the dog park and dry off, keeping her away from the woods. Adam loves all the dogs. Jacob got pushed down by a bigger dog and laughed saying, “dat hurt me”. Then we took the boys over to play at the playground. We left for home around 3:30. The boys fell asleep in the car. Adam stayed asleep until shortly after 6pm. While he was asleep we worked on some things outside. Jacob had fun riding his tractor down the steep hill in our back yard. He’d turn it sharp at the bottom of the hill making the tractor tip. I pulled weeds and dug up and replanted some irises. Jared trimmed the apple tree and another tree up by the house. Jacob helped water the flowers. He loved to be sprayed with the mist. Then he got the hose and sprayed Mommy and Daddy. Jacob tried on his flip-flops that Aunt Vikki bought him. He didn’t want to wear them at first but really liked them once he was used to them. He said, “I like my crocs”. I told him you wear bare feet in them but they were called flip-flops. Of course Jared had to add, "you wear human feet in them". Later Jacob told me they were his “fip-fops”. Jacob asked to go inside and said, "I wanna play gether in me bedroom, with Mommy, with Daddy, and Adam, dat will be perfect". Adam woke up crying. I held him until he asked to get down. He was fine until Jacob came and sat in my lap, then he started crying again. Jacob got up to play with his tractor and Adam stopped crying and hurried to sit in my lap. Jacob is so sweet with Adam and always tries to cheer him up if he's sad. He'll rub his back and say, "its ok Adam". Then he says to me, "I love Adam". The boys were really tired at bedtime. I lay Adam in his crib and he seemed so happy to be there. Jacob kept saying, "I tired". At bedtime I really enjoy listening to Jacob talk about his day. He is getting really excited about his birthday. As I told him tomorrow Daddy is home and we get donuts, the next day is church, and then next day is his birthday he really wiggled in his bed with a big smile and said, "I so cited".


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures of my boys. Looks like a nice dog park. Love ya and see you at the wedding tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOLOLing!!! I was laughing so hard when I read this. Rody thought I was laughing at something he was telling me and he started laughing with me. It was so funny. I had so much fun with you guys today. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou for saving Izzy from being abandonment. LOL I feel like such a bad mommy. But she made me sooooo mad. I couldnt even go near her or I thought I would puke. SICK! She stunk soooooo bad. You cleaning her for me was the nicest thing youve ever done for me...and Izzy! I love you.
Im glad Jacob likes his shoes now. :o)

The Daddy said...

wow Jacob your Birthday is on a big Holiday this year woo hooo

Anonymous said...

Jacob...because of your birthday, the whole US of A gets a day to play. That's pretty special. Adam sleeping is the best. What a relaxed kid. The picture makes my mind relax just looking at him. I don't think I know of anyone who has more dog stories. are well aware of the great sister you have who will not abandon any animal no matter how bad it smells or what it does. Kate has come close but hasn't done the unforgivable YET! Weekend company coming. Nancy B will be here this afternoon for a few days visiting with Indianapolis folks.