Monday, May 12, 2008

The boys woke up around 9:30 today. After breakfast Jacob rode around on his dump truck saying, "I a dump truck worker". Today Jacob liked saying, "dats(thats) ban-tas-ick (fantastic)". This morning I started cutting veggies to make pasties for dinner. Jacob sat at the counter and put the cut up veggies in the bowl for me. He is a great helper and often says, "I wanna help you". Jacob was making a funny face as I was cutting a big potatoe in half. I was paying attention to him and not my cutting. The potatoe rolled and the knife cut my finger through my nail - ouch! Jacob kept telling my, "be careful, no you wanna cut yourself" - I should have listened and been more careful. Jacob and Adam followed me to the bathroom where I took care of my finger while talking to Jared on the phone. Jacob kept saying, "you ok Mommy?". After I finished cutting veggies I mopped the kitchen floor. Adam really liked rolling around on the wet floor. He loved putting his hands on the floor and then clapping them. Jacob hellped me mop some and then played in the kitchen with Adam. I changed their socks and pants and then we sat down for snack time. While Adam was napping Jacob and I went outside. He played with his truck and tractor in the sand and I pulled weeds from around the flowers. Then we went to the back yard and cleaned the deck area. We went in the barn and sat where the hay is stored and pretended to fish with the horse whip. After Jared got home I got the first batch of pasties in the oven. Jacob played in some flour with his tractor and was covered with flour when we were done. We made extras to store in the freezer. Jared had to run to the store to get more flour. I took the boys outside and we took care of the animals. After dinner we took the boys for bike rides to try out the bike seat on the back of my bike. Then we played on the slide/swing. Watched some I Love Lucy episodes tonight.


Melissa said...

Thanks for scanning those pictures for me. I'm looking forward to having Adam tomarrow.

Anonymous said...

Cute pic of Jacob and Truman. What time is Adams birthday Saturday? Just asking cuz Shani wants me to go to her bacurlette(sp) party. I want to let her know if I can make it.

The Daddy said...

Hopefully you didn't add any extra color to the pasties?? And moping the floor after wards?? Was the blood that bad

Anonymous said...

No, I wasn't mopping up blood and no extra color to the pasties:)