Monday, May 19, 2008

He is very independent.
He wanted just one more thing on his tray, my Copper Harbor mug. A reaction to not getting it.
Begging for the mug again.

What a cutie!!!
Here is another cutie or as he would say, "no, I not a cutie, I just a big boy".

Spraying the garden.

Hugs for Tiger.

Jacob came down to our bedroom around 8:30. I was talking to Daddy on the phone as I gave Jacob a hug. He looked at me and said, “Mommy, I love you – I want a new baby”. Jacob played with the ball popper and I let the dogs outside. Adam woke up around 9:00. He played with the ball popper and his phone. Adam had a bowl of cheerios and milk for breakfast but would only let me feed him a few bites. He begged for the bowl and spoon and was happy to try and feed himself. He also begged for other cups on the table including my Copper Harbor mug. I gave Jacob a hair cut this morning. Adam had fun crawling through the tunnel. Jacob stuck the balloons in it and then lifted up the end to have them fly out. We watched the video of Adam’s birthday and party. Mom called with some sad news that my Aunt Linda (mom’s sister) had passed away. It was unexpected although she has been sick and in the hospital for a while. She will definitely be missed. Adam took a nap around 2pm and Jacob came to rest in bed with me. We rested for about an hour and then went outside. Adam woke up shortly before Daddy came home. Jacob loved spraying the garden with the hose. Adam played with the sprinkler and then with Tiger. He wanted to ride in the wagon so I pulled him over by the garden in it. Jared hooked up the sprinkler to the hose and then put it in the middle of the garden. It goes a long ways and was sprinkling on Adam - he gave us a funny look. We all went up in the fort together. Jacob likes to race me down the slide and across the yard. We sat in the dry ditch together before racing back. Daddy and Adam went down the curley slide together. Then Daddy and Jacob went down it. We had taco's for dinner. Jacob only liked the shell and the cheese but did try some of the meat. Adam loved the soft shell, meat and cheese. Adam wanted to be held alot today. Both boys are fighting colds.


Anonymous said...

I'm seeing...what goes around comes around. What an intense moment for Adam. It's time for the grandparents to have a good laugh knowing that they can watch and let the parents handle it. I think you did well. We've been there and done that. The camera caught something good. The show was wonderful. I'm anxious to see what today's adventure brings. 99% of the garden and flowers are in the ground. Now it's time for the sun to get on with it. It's physical time with the doc. Uck. I hate his questions.

Brother Cassian said...

Hmmmmm . . . so the sweet, content, smiling Adam has another side not photographed before . . .

And, now that little brother is a whole year old, Jacob is ready for a new baby. Is he ready for twins? Girls?

Melissa said...

The pictures of Adam throwing a fit are so funny. I can't even imagine him doing that cause we hardly ever see him cry.

Anonymous said...

I'm checking back to see what comments are coming in. Does Jacob realize that babies grow up to be brothers! I wouldn't count on girls. Odds are not with you. Wooo...I'm still giggling about Adam's display of emotions. That's why parents should have at least two kids. Don't know about four! I'm counting twins.

Anonymous said...

The odds are in my favor for girls with all these boys. When I asked Jacob if he wants Mommy to have a girl or a boys he said, "two babies, twin girls". He listens too well - cracks me up.

Melissa said...

I really love that black and white picture of Adam drinkng out of the cup. Very cute! I love how his eyes are peeking over the top of the cup.