Sunday, May 25, 2008

Family with my Aunt Tina.
Dad with his brothers and sisters.

Jared and I woke up at 8:30 this morning and the kids were still asleep. Soon they woke up, ate breakfast and we were heading into town around 9:30. Got drinks and donuts. Went to Salvation army and Goodwill. On the way home we stopped at a garage sale. We passed a Geo Metro for sale and went to check it out. We went home and discussed getting the car for Jared to drive to and from work. We decided to go back and make an offer. I packed the boys lunch and they ate in the car. By the time we got home it was time to leave for my cousins wedding. We were running late but had to stop for gas because it was on empty. The wedding was nice. Their reception was at the same hall my parents was at 35 years ago. Max was tired so I took him for a walk and he fell asleep. Mel took Adam for a walk and put him to sleep. All the kids had fun dancing. We left around 8:30 and put the boys in their pjs before leaving. It was about a 45 minute drive to home. Stopped at meijer for a few things for the Geo. Both boys fell asleep and stayed asleep as we lay them in bed. Jared parked the car in the barn. I cleaned the inside and Jared worked on some other things.


Brother Cassian said...

Wait until the boys have their own blogs and start publishing pictures of their sleeping parents! Beware of payback . . .

The Daddy said...

Must have been several cameras all going at the same time..funny to see Bill, Kimmy, Melissa, and Hailey all looking one direction and everybody else looking the other way.