Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The boys woke up around 8:30am. After getting the boys dressed Adam likes to take the pj’s and walk around with them on his head. Jacob played with his cars and I stacked up blocks for Adam to knock down. The boys both got pretty fussy and both wanted to be held. I held them both on my lap but Adam wanted to push Jacob off. We got out the art stuff and sat at the table to color. Adam colored some and didn't try to eat the crayons today. Jacob liked putting stickers on his paper. We got out the playdoh to play with. Jacob wanted to make a playground with slides for his people to go down. Then we made some benches, an ambulance, and a tractor. I made a car and he made some people to go in it. He put Daddy in the driver seat, me next to him. Then there was Kenzie in between him and Adam in the back seat. Adam liked playing with the containers and lids to the playdoh. During Jacob’s rest today he wanted Truman to come in with him. He played with his lego’s again. Around 3:30 we went outside and I worked on the mowing. By the time I get this lawn mowed it will be time to start all over again. Jacob played in the sand and then in his fort. When Daddy came home we all went up into his fort. Then he and Daddy went down the curley slide together. We turned Maude and Lucy loose in the paddock. Maude didn’t want to go in so Kate got her in for us. Jacob pretended he was fishing with the horsewhip. By the time we got inside Adam was just waking up. After dinner we took the boys to the nearby schools playground. We had the playground to ourselves. Jacob loves the slides and went down all of them over and over. His favorite slide was the longest one there. Adam loves climbing the steps and the ramps. He also liked walking around in the woodchips and picking up handfuls of them. The ramp took you up to the top and had a couple turns. Jacob liked to race us to the top and then back down again. Got home around 8:30. In the tub Adam was playing with his water toy and every time he'd sqeeze the toy his mouth would close and open. Jacob still always has to cuddle with Daddy on the couch in his towel after his bath. Tonight as I tucked Jacob in bed he talked about his day and talked about the playground. Then he said, "I wanna go dere gain, I wake up I go dere, dat be an idea".


Melissa said...

Teh boys look so cute in their matching pajamas.

Anonymous said...

Another busy day. And...Kate is good for something. Don't forget that. You certainly have been checking out the playgrounds near and far. What fun.