Sunday, May 18, 2008

Adam's 1st Birthday

Watching Daddy and Jacob.
Now he faces forward and loves it!

Making noises with his hand and mouth.

Waiting for Daddy to get the phone out of its package.

Fun at the mall

The boys woke up around 8am. We went into Adam’s bedroom singing “Happy Birthday”. He wasn’t his usual smiley self this morning. Instead he was crying and his clothes and diaper was wet. Once into some clean clothes he was happy to go out to the living room and check out his new things. I did a little puppet show that the boys seemed to like. Adam walked around with a birthday blower in each hand. Adam is also coughing today. The boys liked playing with the balloons. We left for church around 9:10am. Adam got to ride with his car seat forward facing which he really enjoyed. Every time I looked back at him he had a big smile. Adam has been very clingy with me this past week and cried as I left him in the nursery. He was crying when we picked him up. They said he was fussy and had a runny nose but he did play some. He had big hugs for me when I picked him up. He loved the drive home in his car seat. He chatted and was full of smiles. After lunch Adam (with help) opened his presents from Mommy, Daddy, and Jacob. Adam really liked the toy cell phone and said, “hi” several times while holding it. He loved his books and ring stacker. All three boys (Jared included) had fun playing with the ball popper. Around 1:30 Jacob rested and Adam took a nap. Jacob came out and sat on my lap for a while and then sat on the couch with Daddy. He said many time today, "I don't peel berry good" or "I tired". We took the boys to the mall to play. Adam walked instead of being pushed in the stroller. He'd stop and watch people as they walked by him. At one point he didn't want to walk past a blue piece of gum stuck on the floor. He would walk a little ways and then turn around to go look at it. He walked to the train table at Barnes & Noble. Jacob played with the trains on the table. Adam would picked up a train and walked around with it and also played on the chair. We then took them to play in the middle of the mall. They had fun there. Jacob came over and said, "I tired, I gonna leep (sleep) in de ban (van)". When we got home it was dinner time. Grandma called and Jacob got to talk to her. At first he said he was eating his pizza and said he couldn't talk. After Jared hung up he decided he wanted to talk so we called her back. We sang to Adam and he ate another piece of cake. He was reaching and begging as soon as he saw it. He took a big handful of frosting right away. I had set the candle aside on the table and he reached for it. I wasn't sure what he wanted until he started blowing. But when I lite the candle again he stared at it. I told him to blow he just shook his head. Jacob also ate a piece of cake tonight. He is such a neat eater. This evening we enjoyed some fun time playing with the boys. Jared and Jacob had some more fun playing in the tunnel. Jared would sit in the tunnel with it pointed upwards and shoot the balloons out of it like canon balls. Then Jared had Jacob stand in the tunnel and then he'd push it to the floor around Jacob's feet. He would then let go and it would go up fast over Jacob’s head. Jacob thought that was fun and wanted Adam to have a turn. Adam wanted nothing to do with it though. Jacob drove around backwards on his tractor saying, "I'm backwards Mater". At 8:30 we put in the video from 1 yr ago. Adam and Jacob sat on my lap as we watched the video. Jacob liked watching the video and said, "I want nother one of dem". Jacob got down and I read Adam some books. After tucking him in bed I cuddled with Jacob in the chair and we watched some more of the video. Then I read to Jacob and tucked him in bed. I sat on the couch with Jared and we finished the video. It was fun to watch this video and see how much both boys have changed in a year.


Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you Kimmy for another good story. The collection of pictures from day 1 to day 356 are wonderful. It would appear that you have one neat kid and one messy kid. You are in for some fun. Something tells me that the messy kid will play goalie position on the soccer field, hoping there is a mudpuddle in front of the goal cage. That's one of my memories for sure.

Melissa said...

Looks like Adam knew just what to do with the cake right away, He just dug right in. He probably knows that if he blows, the candle will go out. Smart kid. I love the pictures of him every month. It's neat to see how he's grown over the last 12 months.

The Daddy said...

I'm surprised you turned Adam forward with all of the stats and recommendations to keep them rear-facing longer now since it's safer. Andrew is still rear facing and he's 18 months. I'm sure Kat has info and links if you're interested.