Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The dogs had a vet appt at 2pm this afternoon. We took Jared to work this morning and almost forgot the dogs. Then we headed over to my parents house and had breakfast. Mom is gone on a women's retreat and Dad had left to take Kenzie to school before going to work. Jacob and Adam played for a little while and then ate their breakfast. I called Vikki to see if she wanted to meet us at the dog park. I asked her to stop at the Salvation army near her and look for shoes in Jacob's size. I had forgot to pack him and we carried him out to the car in his pjs this morning. She found a pair in his size for $1. On her way she picked me up a FV coffee from Tim Hortin's - thanks Vikki, it was great! Kate, Truman, and Izzy all ran around smelling everything. Jacob played with his trucks and tractors. He likes to sit on the tunnel and pretend he's driving a train. Adam ran around picking up sticks and also had fun pushing his umbrella stroller. He found a puddle of mud by the tunnel and stepped in it. He had mud up to his knees and left two muddy handprints in the tunnel. Another dog showed up and Kate felt it was her job to keep this dog by her owner. I took Jacob over to play at the playground for a little bit. Vikki and Adam stayed with the dogs. Around noon we sat at the picnic table and the boys ate their lunch. Then we left to pick Daddy up from work. Around 1:30 we took Adam over to Mel's to play there and Jacob came with us to the appointment. Hailey and Max seemed excited to see us and gave us a big greeting at the door. Jacob had fallen asleep in the car so I took him a little while to wake up once we got to the vet. I was really happy to be able to see and talk to the people I used to work with. When we got back to Mel's house she was outside with Hailey and Adam. Jacob ran to the sandbox to play with the tractors. We stayed there for awhile and let the kids play. Vikki met us there with Kenzie who is coming home with us. Got home around 5pm. From the car Kenzie and Jacob ran right to the chicken coop. Adam had fallen asleep in the car. Once Kenzie was inside, Uncle Jared helped her with her math homework until dinner was ready. After dinner they worked on social studies and got done with that around 7:45. Kenzie wanted to go to the playground and race Uncle Jared up the pole. They had their race and Uncle Jared won every time. Kenzie would laugh too hard and then slide back down during their race. Jacob had fun on running up the ramp and going down the slides. Adam also loved the ramp and climbed up the stairs to go down the slide with Daddy's help. Every time I'd ask Adam "where's the tree" he'd point at a tree. When I say "wave bye bye" right away he waves with one or both arms. We stayed for about and hour. Made Kenzie and Jacob ice cream cones but Jacob was too tired to even finish his. They were asleep by 9:30.


Anonymous said...

You tell JB that his mother said he is to old to hang upside down. That's for people under 35 years old. Help! He still is full of surprises. I guess could give him more space to mess himself up but most mothers wouldn't do that. He will say...look who's talking.

Anonymous said...

I think the hanging upside down is for people under 30 because I know thats not something I'm going to be doing:) Jared however won't let a 10 year old outdo him at anything.