Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jacob came down to the bedroom and crawled in bed with me around 8am. We lay in bed until around 8:30. The clock read 8:25 and Jacob sat up and pointed to the two saying, “look, dats a two”. Adam woke up around 8:45am. Jacob rode around on his tractor and played with the ball popper. He likes to ride fast on his tractor in the kitchen and then slide sideways. Vikki had called around 8am and said they were taking Kenzie to kids day at the baseball stadium. She told me she had one extra ticket. I misunderstood her and thought they were going to a hockey game. I knew Jared would want to take the boys to their first hockey game and I didn’t want to drive that far today so I declined. After breakfast I was talking to Jared and he mentioned that Kenzie had called and told him about the game. Then I realized it was the baseball game at the stadium near us. I thought it would be fun to take the boys to the game so I called Vikki and hurried to get the boys ready. It took us longer to get there because of a detour. We parked down the road and hurried to meet Vikki at the gate. Once we got to our seats I realized that I had left the sunscreen in the car so I went back to get it. It was only 65 degrees but felt really warm with the sun. We got there during the 4th inning and left during the 8th inning which lasted about 2 1/2 hrs. It was alot of fun and I really glad we went. Adam was facinated with the loon mascot. Jacob enjoyed spending time with Kenzie. As we headed back to the car Jacob said, "I had pun (fun)". Back at the van I gave the boys the lunch I had packed for them. They both fell asleep on the drive home. I stopped at Target to pick up a table for my Mom. When we got home I carried Jacob in and sat him on the couch. He wanted to watch his dump truck video. When I got finished putting in the video I looked back to see him asleep while sitting up. I nursed Adam and then lay him down for a nap. We had to wake them around 4pm when Jared got home from work. We took a drive to the Amish to make an appointment to have our chickens butchered. When we pulled in the driveway there was about 8 kids playing in the yard. They all stopped playing and swarmed around Jared. A few more kids came out. Jared tryed to talk to them but I'm not sure they really understood him. A little three year old girl followed close to Jared as he walked up to the house. The three year old girl then came over to my van window. Her sister and two other boys also came over. They just stared, smiled, and waved at us. The seven year old girl talked to me some. They wanted to see the boys in the back of the van. Jared made the appointment for next Wed. Then we stopped at Joni's house but she wasn't home. We went across the street to Ron's house and picked up some of Joni's cages for halling the chickens. We stayed and talked with them for awhile. Jacob went to pet their cattledog and the dog snarled and bit his hand. He had wanted to show me how soft the dog was and called me saying, "you wanna peel him, he's so soft". Their other dog was very friendly. By the time we got home it was dinner time. After dinner we took a walk down the road to get the mail. Tonight we watched the American Idol finaly.


The Daddy said...

Hopefully Jacobs hand isn't too bad?

Anonymous said...

It sounded and looked more viscious than it was. No marks left on his hand today.