Saturday, May 17, 2008

Adam's 1yr birthday party

First taste

Usually Adam wakes up around 6am and then goes back to sleep for a few hours. This morning he slept in until 7am. Jacob came down to the bedroom shortly before Adam woke up. We headed into town around 7:45 for donuts and drinks. Adam had his first donuts this morning and loved it. We took a drive by our old house. Then we stopped by the dollar store for balloons. Adam really liked looking at the balloons in the back of the van. We walked around Salvation army and stopped at meijer for a couple things. Got home around 10:30. Adam lay down for his nap after lunch. Jacob didn't want to eat lunch. He didn't want to eat breakfast either this morning. He is coughing and has a runny nose. During his rest he fell asleep. Jared and I decorated for the party. Adam woke up shortly after 2pm. As I was changing his diaper, Aunt Vikki and Uncle Terry arrived. Soon after that Aunt "Titti", Kenize, Aunt "Meme", Uncle Bruce, Hailey, Max, Papa, Nana, and Grandpa got here. I woke Jacob up so he would go to sleep well tonight. He was excited when he found out his cousins were here. We visited and had chip and veggie snacks to munch on. Jacob went over to Mel and said, "Meme, I love you" then he asked her if she could get him the trucks from her diaper bag for him to play with. Adam enjoyed when we sang "Happy Birthday" twice. He liked the candle on the cake but the other kids and I blew it out for him. He LOVED eating his cake and ate probable half of the large piece that was set on his tray. For Jacob's first birthday he would not even eat one bite. Today Jacob would not eat any cake or ice cream but I think he was not feeling well. Jacob got excited about present opening time and said, "I wanna help Adam open presents". First he got to open a couple presents of his own for his soon coming birthday. He opened the clothes box and said, "nope, no tractors". Hailey and Jacob helped Adam open all of his gifts and Kenzie help take care of the trash. First Hailey helped him open the gift they had gotten him and before pulling it out of the bag said excitedly, "its a sprinkler". Kenzie got Adam a big Tigger and he kept wanted to hugg and kiss him. He also got some very nice clothes, money, a tickle me elmo chair, some puppets, a tunnel, a big thomas train, some link toys, a book, and a sprinkler. The kids enjoyed playing with the tunnel. Adam liked sitting on the elmo chair. Shortly after 5pm Vikki and I took the kids out on the porch to play. Jared started the hot dogs and brats on the grill. Mel and her family left shortly after 6pm. The guys went outside. Mom, Aunt Vikki, Vikki, the boys and I stayed inside. We had a nice visit. Around 7pm we went ouside and said some goodbyes. Vikki and Kenzie stayed while we fed the animals. We went into the goat paddock and Jared caught the sheep for them to pet. Kate got shocked by the fence and let out a yelp. She also rolled in poop and needed to be hosed off. Jacob and Kenzie played on the fort/slide. Adam picked some dandelions and sat at the bottom of the slide. They left around 8pm. Adam was so tired and rubbing his eyes. This party was very relaxing and fun - what a great day! Tomorrow Adam turns 1 year old - WOW!


Anonymous said...

The party sounded like so much fun. The pictures are wonderful from such a sad faced Adam to such a happy Adam. The green face smile is the best. This certainly was a special day for the family and Adam. Wow...another party coming very soon. Jacob had a good run through practice. Love you much. Thanks for the pictures.

The Daddy said...

Looks like it was a good party..Andrew has that same tunnel and loves it. He'll pull it out asking us to take it out of the bag so he can play with it.

Melissa said...

That was so fun watching Adam eat his cake. He was sure getting into it. I love the pictures. Great party.

Melissa said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM!!! WE LOVE YOU. Love, Uncle Bruce, Aunt Missy, Hailey, and Max

Brother Cassian said...

Yes, they are great pictures -- and I, too, love the sequence with Adam and the cake. He begins by not appearing to be too sure what all this stuff is and ends by being delighted with it all. Seeing that green and cakey mouth says it all! What a great party! And it is always good to see him enjoying his brother (even if he was sick) and cousins.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Adam! from Aunt Titti, Uncle RaRa, and Kenzie. We love you!
He looks so happy in all these pictures. We had so much fun. Im glad we could come.
Love you!

Melissa said...

I have Jacob's sweatshirt that Hailey borrowed. I'll bring it next time I see you. And I think we might have left Max's yellow jacket at your house.