Friday, May 16, 2008

Today was a busy day cleaning and getting things ready for the party tomorrow. Jacob was playing with his hot wheels cars and I got Adam some different cars to play with. Adam was having fun pushing them around on the floor. Jacob wanted to go play with Adam. They both lay on the floor playing with the cars. Then they started acting goofy and rolling around. Jacob looked at me and said, "were just wimming (swimming). As I swept the kitchen floor Adam seemed to be attracted to my piles of dirt. As soon as I'd sweep up a pile he come hurrying over and walk through it or put his hands in it. I had to sweep the floor by cleaning up many small piles as I made them. As I cut up veggies Jacob sat next to me at the counter and broke up little pieces of carrot peals to scoop in his tractor. He kept telling me to be careful. Jared came home from work around 1:30 and got the rest of the lawn mowed. Then Jacob and I went outside. Jacob played in his sand area. Jared and I moved some wood into the barn. Daddy and Jacob took the trash down to the end of our road. I push mowed some areas in the yard. Adam woke up around 4pm. The boys had their snacks and we watched the dump truck video. I made a coffee and sat on the couch with Jacob. I think it was the first time I'd sat down all day and my feet were really tired. Jared got the big tractor working and scraped the driveway. The boys loved watching him on the tractor. We went outside to sit on the back deck. It was a beautiful day. The boys love playing on the deck. Jacob had a big stick to fish with. Adam tried to squeeze his head through slats on the side of the deck. Then we walked around to the driveway and the boys played in their truck. They loved when I pushed them up and down the driveway. I gave the boys a quick bath before leaving for dinner at fazolie's. After dinner, as Jacob got in his car seat he said, "I tired". He fell asleep on the drive home Both boys were in bed early tonight. Jared and I went outside to put some things away and take care of the animals. Tonight I worked on folding the laundry.


Anonymous said...

Pictures, pictures...Just what I needed. The garden/flower pot make me think that Michigan is warming up. Those brothers certainly keep you all busy. I know the party will be wonderful. Today, I'm edging the flowerbeds. Haven't done that in about 4 years...So much work but looks great. Now if I can just keep Doug from stumbling into the tiny ditch in the edging. I'll be thinking of you all today. Happy, Happy Birthday Adam.

The Daddy said...

Happy Birthday Adam...I'm sure the party will be "rockin" too

Brother Cassian said...

Happy birthday, Adam! It is difficult to believe that you are ready for a birthday. It seems so soon -- but, when I look at all you are doing, I realize that you are already quite a big boy. I hope you have a great time celebrating with your brother and all your cousins today.