Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Adam woke up to nurse around 6am and then slept until shortly after 9am. Jacob came into the bedroom around 9am and had to go potty. I took him and then as we walked back to the bedroom he said, “ewe wanna walk backwards, with me?”. We walked backwards to the bedroom and then he and Truman ran up and down the hallway together. I got the dusting and vacuuming done this morning. Jacob helped me dust. Adam likes to play with the cord while I'm vacuuming. He pulled the plug out several times. Got the laundry done and ready to be folded. After lunch I planned on taking the boys outside when we got a knock on the door. It was Nick (the neighbor boy) and his dad. They came in for a visit. All three boys did their own thing for awhile. Jacob really liked the boys Dad and wanted to show him everything. He'd come over to me and say, "I wanna show him dis". The boys had fun riding on the ride-on cars and filling them up with blocks. Around 3pm I lay Adam down for a nap and then we took the boys outside to play. Nick stayed with us to play on the slide while his Dad went down the road to pick his daughter up from the bus. His daughter was excited to come over and see all the animals, especially the horses. The boys had lots of fun playing together outside. They left around 4pm and we went inside. We went back outside when Daddy got home from work. Daddy mowed some of the yard. Jacob played in his sand and then walked around the yard with me. He found a couple long sticks and wanted to pretend we were fishing off the deck in the backyard. When Adam woke up I gave the boys a ride in their wagon. Tonight we had sloppy joes for dinner. Adam loves any food we put on his tray. After dinner we went for a walk down the road to get the mail. Daddy picked a cattail and had the fuzz and seeds blowing in the wind. Jacob liked to run through it while saying, "oh my gosh" or "oh my goodness". We made it home by 8pm and went inside to watch American Idol. Got out the Little People toys to play with. Adam loves the barn, especially pushing the buttons and opening the door (when Daddy shuts it). Jacob played on the couch with the semi truck and blocks. I got the laundry folded after they were in bed.


Anonymous said...

Your two little boys remind me of my two little boys, now big men. Adam certainly knows what to do with the food on his tray. He looks like an independent eater. Take care.

Melissa said...

That's so nice that Jacob has a little friend to come over and play. Hailey sure loves it when the neighbor kids come over to our house and play. Max is starting to really enjoy playing with them too. It's great to have little neighbor kids so close in age.