Sunday, February 15, 2009


I started exercising around 6:30. Jacob woke up to use the potty and said, “I’m feeling a little better”. He went right back to sleep. Adam woke up at 8:30. He didn’t want me to change his diaper in his bedroom so he pointed out to the living room saying, “Out dere please”. He seems to be feeling ok this morning. He ate dry cheerios for breakfast. We watched Clifford and Sesame Street. Adam had diarrhea once this morning. When I said, “Lets go change your diaper” he replied, “No Mommy, No Mommy”. Jacob woke up at 11am. He took a couple sips of water and then went right back to sleep. I did some exercises. Adam pointed to the boxing aerobic exercise and said, “Boxing” so I did that once and then I did some running. Adam ate half of his sandwich and some small pieces of apple for lunch. Shortly after noon Jacob came walking out of his bedroom saying, “I’m hungry” and he asked for some cheerios. After eating he went to lay on the couch. We got Daddy’s birthday presents wrapped. The boys asked for some wrapping paper pieces to play with. Jacob stayed on the couch. Adam asked to play with his tractor and the foam blocks. After playing with the foam blocks for a little while he said, “No blocks, put way (away)”. He put them all back into the container and then said, “lid on”. Adam stayed in his pj’s until this afternoon. After I putting his pants and shirt on he sat down, held up his feet and said, “socks on please”. He brought me his cup saying, “nore pop please” so I gave him a little more squirt. Jacob got up for something and gave a look like he was going to puke. I grabbed the bucket just in time. He then went back to lying on the couch and fell asleep. Adam had fun hitting around his play orange with the tweezers from his doctor kit. It was really funny to watch. I was chasing Adam and tickling him. He then stopped, shook his head no and said, “No Mommy, no more”. We had fun playing hide and go seek with the dogs. As we hid under the blanket Adam would call, “Kate, Trum come”. After they’d find us he’d say, “gain (again)”. Jacob woke back up around 2:30. I read some books to the boys and then tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob quickly fell back asleep and slept until 4pm. When he woke up he said, “Maybe we can go outside and when we come in have hot chocolate”. I told him hot chocolate might make him puke but we could go outside. Daddy came home just as we were bundling up to go out. We walked to the coop and collected the eggs. Jacob is very weak and asked to be carried most of the short time we were out. When we came inside Jared and I were discussed getting pedialyte popcicles for him. Jacob heard us and said, “I want something to lick”. I gave him a popcicle. Jacob and I read “Where the Wild Things Are”. Then he fell asleep. Jared and I played a game of bowling. Adam woke up just before dinner was ready. He didn’t have an appetite for dinner. When Jacob woke up he asked for another popsicle. Adam also enjoyed one. The boys watched their fire truck video. I went outside to take care of the animals and then headed to meijer for some groceries. I got home at 9pm. We tucked the boys in bed around 9:30.