Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Jacob's new haircut.

Before/after shoots of Adam's trim.

Jacob found Adam's matchbox jeep and was showing him.
Jacob working with his tools.

Adam trying to use the keys.
Jacob saw he needed help so he is showing him how.
Jacob playing his tuba.

I started exercising at 7am. The boys woke up at 9am. In the crib Adam had taken off one of his socks. As he put it on his hand and said, “Sock, hanned (hand)”. Adam’s pj’s were wet. I got him cleaned and dressed. After breakfast we watched Clifford and Sesame Street. I gave Jacob a haircut and also trimmed Adam’s hair in back. Jacob always likes playing with the blade attachment while I am cutting his hair. Adam didn’t cry but he kept scrunching his neck and saying, “Hurt”. I think it just tickled. After lunch Jacob got out his tools and played with them at the counter. Then he helped Adam put together some puzzles. Jacob had fun playing with the fishing puzzle. He gave me the purple and pink fishes, saying they were for girls. Then he gave Adam a yellow one and himself the green one. The boys ate their snack while I read them some books. I tucked Adam down for a nap at 2:30. Jacob wanted to play with his tools in his bedroom while resting today. He also wanted Truman in there again. First we read some books together while sitting on the dogs bed. After a little while Jacob came out to show me the “tuba” he’d made using his tools. He said, “It’s a tuba, it makes music, see”. Then he played it for me. When I told him he was very creative and he said, “Thank-you Mommy, I want you to call Daddy”. He loved listening to me tell Daddy about his tuba. Jacob helped me peel eggs and mash them for egg salad. I prepared meatloaf, baked potatoes, and green beans for dinner. Jared got home around 5pm. He did some exercises to the Wii Fit. Soon Adam woke up. He asked Daddy to do “sock-ball (the soccer ball balance game)”. Then Jacob wanted to ski. He and Adam took turns skiing down the hill. Jacob was pretty good at getting thru the flags. After dinner I was going to go outside to take care of the animals. Jacob wanted to come too and Adam said, “Me, out” so we all went out. Jacob collected eggs. Back inside Jacob set up the rug and did some bowling with the ball and empty pop cans. Jared and I played some bowling on the Wii per Jacob’s request. Jared had class from 7:30 – 10pm. The boys enjoyed some ice cream. Jacob had fun drawing on the Wii Photo channel. Adam liked telling him what colors to choose. I played with Adam and watched American Idol. Jacob played with playdoh. He made me pancakes and used the playdoh lids for plates. I got extra cuddles in the rocking chair tonight. Adam wanted me to hold “Lou (Louie)” next to him in the rocker. After tucking Adam in bed Jacob and I read some books and then cuddled in the rocker. I tucked Jacob in bed around 9:45pm.


The Daddy said...

Has Jared caught the mouse yet or is the mouse still causing Jared greif!!

Anonymous said...

Where did Jacob get the girl color thing. His grandma says that any color is for anyone. Come on! I want to change the world. Lots of good playing going on. Tell Jacob the hair cut is awesome. And...finally Adam has hair to cut. Go Adam. 3 more inches of white stuff yesterday. 50 by Friday! I HOPE.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure where Jacob got the girl color thing. Maybe because I like pink shirts on the boy and Jared doesn't (he says pink is for girls). Or Maybe its because me and Nana have pink or purple shirts on as Mii characters, where Jacob and Adam have green and yellow (they pick their own colors).

Anonymous said...

I am glad to read that you are still using the Wii. An article I saw in Yahoo news yesterday was commenting on the quick decline in use of the Wii exercise. People are enthusiastic at first and then, after a time, stop. Will the Michigan Russells go against the trend?

Before Compline last night I noticed a light dusting of snow in our cloister garden. I put my foot in some of the snow on the top of a step and found it was moonlight! Still no snow in the Atlanta area -- only lunar illusion, a.k.a. lunacy!

Vikki's Blog said...

Jacob and Adams haircuts look GREAT! How did Adam do while you were cutting his hair?

Anonymous said...

No mouse yet.

Melissa said...

Love the haircuts! And that picture of Jacob looking up while playing with his tools is so cute.