Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Look at my hat Adam."

Adam trying to knock it off.

Working under the table.
Jacob using his "pumper thing" to put air in the tire.

I started exercising at 6:30. Jacob woke up shortly before 8am. We watched Curious George. Adam soon was awake also. Jacob asked for cheerios with milk for the first time since he was sick. When Curious George was over Adam said, “Clifford on!" Jacob got his change bank and dumped out the change on the counter. Adam asked for his bank. I spread out his blanket so we could dump it out on that. I was talking to Aunt “Bippi” on the phone and Adam kept grabbing the phone saying, “Me turn”. He’d say, “Hi Bippi” and then hand it right back to me. During the Clifford song Adam knelt down and was dancing to the music. It was really cute. The boys got out all their tools and we had fun playing with them. There was a lot of hammering going on. Adam went to sit on the container that holds all our Wii and Xbox accessories. Jacob noticed and said, “Adam, remember what Mommy said not to sit on that.” Jacob and I sat on the couch and looked thru some picture books. Adam looked for a little while and then went to play with his Tonka crane truck. The boys had fun playing with the pieces of yarn that Daddy had given them. Jacob pretended his yard was a cord to his “pumper thing.” Adam liked spreading his yard across the floor. He then balled it up and said, “Ball, tatch (catch)” and he’d throw it to me. Around 2pm the boys ate their snack and we read some books. I lay Adam down for his nap and Jacob rested in his bedroom. Jacob kept wanted to show me his new exercise move. They were really good. After each of them he'd say, “Mommy, I learned that in Sunday School too.” Then he said, “Mommy, you wanna see the car show?” He had several matchbox cars lined up and he’d take one and race it in a circle until it ran out of gas. I sat down so we could play cars together. Then I did some exercises. Jacob did some exercises with me. He then got out his car mat to play on. Adam woke up at 4:30. The boys and I had fun playing with cars on the car mat. When Daddy came home he played too. Then the boys took turns laying on Daddy’s back while he did some push ups. The boys then took turns giving Daddy "rides" on their backs. I went outside to take care of the animals. We had taco’s for dinner. The boys loved the tacos and asked for more. After dinner Jacob asked Daddy to play “mouse trap.” Adam asked me to sit under the counter and drive. We had fun pretending the stools were our cars. Jacob soon came to drive with us. When I'd say my car was broke Adam would get out and come to fix my car. I love his sounds. Daddy played some Mario Kart. As Jacob sat at the counter he pretended the foam puzzle was his computer keyboard and he typed on it. We played with playdoh until pj time.


Melissa said...

Adam sure is looking big these days.