Saturday, February 07, 2009

"Nana (banana), please?"

I did exercises from 7 until 8:30. The boys woke up around then and were excited that Daddy was home. We headed into town for our Sat am routine. Got home around 11:30. Adam didn't eat much for lunch. After lunch Jacob had fun pretending his stuffed horse was his baby. He took such good care of her. He made her a crib and set up a chair so he could sit by her. He said, "Just tell me if you gotta go potty and I'll help you". He asked me to kneel down by them. He said she was sick and made her a gatarade slushie. Then he asked me for a spoon so he could give her bites of it. He wanted me to pretend I was the doctor and give her an exam. Adam played with the Little People toys in his bedroom and I joined him for a little while. Around 1:30 Jared and Jacob headed into town for a couple things. When Adam saw them getting ready to leave he said, "Me me (Me too)". Jacob said, "No Adam, you can't come, just me and Daddy". He was really excited to go with Daddy. After they left I took Adam outside to play. It was a warm day (46 degrees and sunny), though it was very windy. Much of the snow has mealted. Adam had fun running through the puddles. There was a long puddle by the barn and he had fun running back and forth in it. He had wet pants up past his knees. But for a boy who likes to stand in the dogs water dish - he didn't mind. I had my boots on so I got to run thru with him, per his request. We gave some handfuls of hay to the horses. Then headed back inside around 2:30. We read some books and got to cuddle in the rocker. After tucking him in for his nap I did some exercises to the Wii. Soon Jared and Jacob were back. And not long after that Vikki and Kenzie came over. Jared and Kenzie did some bowling. Then Kenzie started her school science project. Uncle Jared helped her with it. Adam woke up around 5pm. We put in the Baby Einstein video to watch. Kenzie has this little saying when you put your knuckles together and turn it. It goes something like, "Bump it, lock it, put it in your pocket, put it in the mail box, and take it to the post office". Well Jacob put his knuckles up to mine, turned it, and said, "Lock it, put it in the mailbox and take it to the post office". And Adam now likes to put his knuckles up to yours and says, "ock (lock) it". After dinner Kenzie and Uncle Jared played golf while still working on her project. Then Jared, Vikki, Kenzie, and I played a game of bowling. The boys were tucked in bed around 9:30. Jared started his exercises to the Wii. Then Vikki, Kenzie, and I went outside to take care of the animals. Kenzie climbed into the gravity wagon which is filled with corn. Kenzie is spending the night. Vikki headed home around 10pm.


Vikki's Blog said...

We sure had fun!!! Love ya and thanks for everything!!!

Vikki's Blog said...

O and you forgot to mention that I won the game of bowling. hehe! Thats a big part of my day.

Anonymous said...

Those are cute pictures of Vikki and Jacob. Vikki looks happy to be with her nephews!

I was thinking this morning that I have not read about the library recently -- has story time stopped? Or am I missing something? (I HAVE noticed packed lunches in the car.)

Anonymous said...

Story time at the library started back up last month. Its on Tuesday nights and right now Jared has class on Tuesday night. They ask that only age appropriate (Adam not included)kids come to class. We do need to take a trip to the library soon. Its another warm day today (mid 40's and sunny). Feels like spring:)

I also forgot to mention - We caught the mouse!

The Daddy said...

Kimmy you cought A mouse...wonder how many of his brothers and sisters are still around

Vikki's Blog said...

Uncle makes me so happy be with my nephews, you r totally right! :o)