Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Having fun on the bed.


I got up early to exercise. Jacob woke up around 7:45 and Adam was up at around 8am. After eating breakfast we headed over to the church. The boys were excited about going there. Adam went right to cooking with the play foods. He likes to pour me some coffee. Jacob played with a doll that he named Adam. He put the baby in the shopping cart and wrapped him up before they went grocery shopping. Jacob jumped in a circle when Mugumi got there. He and her had fun playing together. From there we headed over to Salvation Army. The boys ate their packed lunch. We then went to Goodwill and the Pet Store. We were looking at the canaries when Jacob said, "You want me to show you the most bew-ful bird I ever saw". We had to stop at meijer for diapers and then we headed home. I tucked Adam down for a late nap. Jacob rested while playing with his cars and looking at books. Jared came home around 5pm. He exercised to the Wii and I went outside to take care of the animals. Jacob lined up his vehicles and some other things across the living room. He said, “This is my truck spraying ewe water”. We woke Adam up around 6pm so he could join us for dinner. After dinner we watched a Baby Einstein video. Adam was being quiet in the kitchen so I went to check on him. I found him standing in the dog’s water bowl with water past his ankles. He ran over to me with a smile and said, “wet, wet”. I did some Wii balancing games. When I asked Adam if he wanted me to play the soccer ball game and he said, “Uh huh!!” Jacob asked me to do the skiing. Then the boys also took their turns skiing. They boys were tucked in bed around 9pm. Jared and I watched Lost. I thought Jacob was asleep but when I went to check on him but he was looking at a “Where’s Waldo” book. After Lost Jared did his nightly exercising on the Wii.


Anonymous said...

The big guy in the red plaid shirt in these pictures looks a little like Adam. Is this the latest replacement? I don't know what it is, I look at the pictures every day, but suddenly a day comes along and the boy looks a lot bigger. This has happened along the way with Jacob and now it is happening with Adam.

Congratulations on continuing to use the Wii. I have not kept up with my daily walk because of the cold weather. (It really is cold.) But I will get back to it when it warms up 10 degrees.

Melissa said...

Love the big smiles in all those pictures. That last picture of Adam sleeping is too precious.

Anonymous said...

And sleeping in the RUSSELL position. Just hard to understand. It does keep their arms from flying around.