Sunday, February 08, 2009

Many of these pictures are from Kenzie's camera (Thanks Kenzie). These are a couple cute ones she took of Adam this morning.

Jacob wearing Kenzie's headband.

He loves to button and unbutton his shirts.
Adam playing his drum.

Adam pretending to turn on some music for them to drum too.
Notice Adam's eye. Yesterday he bumped it on Jacob's head.

Playing with automoblox. Jacob took the top off and pretended it was a boat.

Moon sand fun.

I got up shortly before 7am to exercise. Jacob, Kenzie, and Adam woke up around 7:45. They came out and watched me exercise. Jared went outside to take care of the animals. The boys ate cheerios and I made Kenzie eggs for breakfast. Shortly after 9am we headed to church. When we got there Jacob asked Kenzie, “Are you a girl or a big boy?” I think he wanted to know if she was going to be in his class. Both boys were very excited to go back to their classes. Adam said "Hi" to Kathy (nursury teacher) and held his arms out to go to her. He also gave her a hug before leaving. Jacob had a great time in his class and told us how he helped pick up the toys. I went into meijer for a couple things. Kenzie started her science project right away when we got home. We had pizza for lunch. After lunch Jared, Kenzie, and I played a game of bowling. Jacob sat at the counter and played with his cars. Around 1:30 I read books with Adam and we cuddled in the rocking chair for a while. Kenzie and Uncle Jared played Wii baseball. I tucked Adam in for a nap shortly after 2pm. Then Jacob and I read some books together. We went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. Jared took the trash down to the dumpster. We collected 7 eggs from the barn and coop. Kenzie and Jacob played with the shovels in what show is left and then had fun making a house in the hay. Kenzie found a spot high up in the hay where some chickens have been hiding their eggs. Jared, Kenzie, and Jacob played in the gravity wagon. I worked some on cleaning Sammy’s stall. When we came back inside Jacob and Kenzie had fun playing hide and seek. We played some Wii balance games. Jacob and Kenzie played with the automoblox. Adam woke up around 5pm. He also had fun playing with the automoblox. Kenzie started working on her project, taking temps every five minutes for three hours. After dinner I went outside to take care of the animals. I collected 3 more eggs. This evening we had fun playing with moon sand. I brought the piano bench over so I could sit at the table and play too. Jared isn’t feeling well and was up a lot last night. As he went to go sit on the couch Adam pointed at the spot next to me and said, “Please Daddy”. Daddy didn’t hear him as he headed for the couch. Adam went to grab Daddy’s hand and led him to sit by me. The boys played in the bathtub until pj time. After Jacob got out of the tub, Adam leaned forward with his face down near the water. He'd splash with his hands and then sit up. As he giggled and held his wet face he'd say, "face” because he had splashed water in his face. After doing that a few times he reached around to his back and said, “Back?". He wanted me to pour water over his back like I was doing to Jacob. The kids were tucked in bed by 9pm. As I tucked Adam in bed he said, “Kenny (Kenzie)?” She came in to pat his belly with me. Then she started making funny noises as she touched his belly, cheeks, or feet. She sure got some good giggles out of him.


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures -- and these definitely confirm my impression that Adam has become a big boy overnight. Look at him!

Thanks for telling me about the library. By the time Jared finishes his class Adam may be age appropriate. Can Jacob sit in story time while Mommy and Adam explore another part of the library? Or Mommy and Adam can go have their own private age-appropriate story time together? I always enjoyed reading about the little extra things that happened in story time.

Anonymous said...

So striking that there is one blue eyed boy and one brown eyed boy in the same family.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Dee, By the time Jared finishes his class Adam will be age appropriate but then Jacob will not. Jacob will then go to "Ready, Sit, Read" which is for ages 4-5. "Ready, Sit, Read" does not require an adult whereas "Circle Time" does.