Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Watching Curious George.

Adam showing me his shiney teeth. This is what he does after he brushes his teeth. Jacob does too. It cracks me up. Last night they both ran out to show them to Daddy too.
Adam's pile.
What a beautiful day.

Jared and I slept on the couches last night. Jared’s ears are bothering him and it helps to prop himself up with pillows on the couch. Jacob woke up to use the potty shortly before 2pm. I tucked him back in bed but soon he came out again. He stood in the hallway puking. I ran for Jacob and Jared ran to find a bucket. We got things cleaned up and then I made Jacob a gatarade slushie. He soon puked up all the slushie that he’d eaten. After a while we tucked him in on the couch and I slept in the chair. We turned the fish tank light on and Jacob said he was going to watch the fish. He fell asleep quickly. I did some exercising after Jared left for work. Jacob woke up with diarrhea. We changed his clothes a few times this morning. I gave him some Tylenol but he puked soon after that. Every time he had diarrhea or puked he wanted to call and tell Daddy. He left a couple messages on Daddy's machine. He did great at making the bucket every time today. Adam woke up around 8am. We watched Curious George. Jacob wanted to watch a Copper Harbor video so I put one in for him. He has no appetite but has been taking a few sips of gatarade. He puked again around 10am. Adam seems to be feeling ok. While Jacob was puking Adam would rub his back saying, “I tarrey (sorry)”. I worked on getting the last nights puke stain out of the carpet. Adam brought his little piano over to me saying, “Baa-ries (Batteries)”. It did need new batteries so I took it into the kitchen to change them. Adam said, “Me me” and wanted to sit on the counter and help me. Jacob fell asleep at around 10:30. Adam and I had fun playing together. I gave him a hug and said, “I love you very much”. He replied, “I uv vue much”. Jacob only slept for about 30 minutes. We watched another Copper Harbor on video per Jacob’s request. Shortly before lunchtime Jacob puked again. He also had diarrhe. His temperature was 100.5. I gave him some more Tylenol. Jacob loves watching the Copper Harbor videos. Adam ate well for lunch. He had fun riding around on the tractor and cart. Usually Jacob's the one making a big pile of toys in the room. Today if was fun watching Adam make his own pile. Jacob fell asleep around 1:30. Adam and I went outside on the back porch to enjoy the beautiful weather (high 50’s, sunny and windy). We came back inside for a snack and to read books. I tucked him in bed around 2:30. Jacob slept until around 4:30. Right away he asked to watch another Copper Harbor video. He also asked for some more water with ice. When I came back with it he lean towards the bucket so I grabbed it quickly. More puking. Poor little guy. Jared got home soon after 5:30. He had to stop at meijer for a couple things. Jacob fell asleep for only about five minutes. I went outside to take care of the animals. Adam woke up at 6pm. Vikki arrived shortly after that. She is spending the night and staying with the boys tomorrow while I go to the church to watch the kids. She brought the boys some Cars socks, an etch-a-sketch, and a pin print toy. Jared started class at 7:30. Jacob seemed to be feeling better. He asked for some cheerios, which was the first thing he’d eaten all day. Vikki brought all her pictures and we had fun looking at them together. We also watched American Idol. The boys were tucked in bed at 9pm. Vikki and I continued looking at picture until 11pm.


Anonymous said...

Wow...Jacob is really sick. I remember even a drink of water made the kids sick. I felt so mean about withholding everything from them when I knew it was going to be coming up and out again. I think Doug is a little better today. At least he slept in bed last night. He hasn't eaten anything since Monday. Stay healthy. I hope Adam escapes the bug. A box is in the mail coming from UPS.

The Daddy said...

Just looking at Jacob you can tell he doesn't feel good. Did Jared let him keep yellow bear beside him? Hope he's feeling better today

Anonymous said...

Poor Jacob! What a rough day! He seems to have a very kind family, though -- so that takes some of the roughness out. I am glad that he is feeling better.

Vikki's Blog said...

I had fun at your house, Thanks for the bacon egg and cheese sandwich. They r my favorite!!!
love you

Anonymous said...

Jacob sure looks sick in the picture. Makes me sad to see his eyes looks that way. Tell him Nana is praying for him. Love to all!