Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Painting fun.

Daddy and Adam playing.

I got up to exercise soon after Jared left for work. The boys woke up at 7:45. Jacob wanted me to tickle Aunt Bippi and wake her up. She soon was also awake. We watched Curious George. I left around 8:45 to watch the kids at church. There were only 3 kids in class today. I had a good time but sure missed the boys. I got back home around noon. The boys had a great time with Aunt "Bippi". Thank-you Vikki! Right away they were asking to play the fishing game so I got that out for them. Adam ate lunch but Jacob still doesn't have his appetite back. We had fun playing with the pin print toy. Aunt "Bippi" gave Adam rides around the room by pulling him on the sleeping bag. I tucked the boys in for naps around 2pm. Both of them were very tired and fell asleep in minutes. Vikki headed home around 2:30. We lost electricity shortly after 3pm. I looked through some picture books and then did some exercises. Jacob woke up around 4pm. First thing he said was, "Where's Aunt Bippi?" When I told her that she had gone home he cried and said, "But I want her to spend the night again, I want you to call her". Aunt "Bippi" talked to him on the phone. We cuddled on the couch and read many stories from his Bible. Jared got home around 5pm. As he was about to go out and get the generator our electricity came back on. Adam soon woke up. I went outside to take care of the animals. After dinner Adam said, "chalk" and took me to the eisle. The boys drew on the chalkboard for a little bit but soon Jacob was asking to paint. And then Adam wanted to also. They had a lot of fun painting. After Adam would stick his finger in the paint he'd hold it up and say, "Wipe please". Jacob said he loved painting. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm. Jared and I watched Lost.


Anonymous said...

I see a smile but those eyes still look a little smoky. It's all in the eyes. Seems like two men in the family are pulling out of their sickness. Off to soup kitchen soon.

Anonymous said...

It is good to read that boys are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the boys are feeling better. Cute what Jacob said about Aunt "Bippi". They sure do love her. They are sure precious boys. I miss much going on with everybody sick...I will be so thankful when all are well again. Much love and prayers....

Vikki's Blog said...

awe...Jacob makes me feel so good. I wish I could come spend the night tonight, maybe they would stop throwing up again. You know how I have the no throwing up touch. lol
Give both of them a kiss for me, and tell them I love them.

Anonymous said...

I know. Jacob didn't puke the whole time you were here. Now both boys are puking and Adam has diarrhea. I feel so bad for them.

The Daddy said...

oh man keep those sick germs up north..we dont need them down here!!