Thursday, February 12, 2009

Louie after his bath.

Jacob came into the bedroom around 6am. Just after climbing into bed with me he started puking. Jared went to get the bucket for him. I made a bed on the couch for him. He drank some water (thats all he will drink right now) and watched me exercise to the Wii. Jacob soon puked again. Adam woke up with diarrhea around 8am. As I brought him out ot the living room he asked, “George?” We watched Curious George. Adam came over to me with his hand on his butt saying, “Hurt”. He had had diarrhea again. The boys had no appetite for breakfast. Jacob puked and Adam ran to get Berry for him. After giving Berry to Jacob he went to get Louie for himself. Then he took Louie into the kitchen. He was being really quiet in there. As I was about to go check on him he came back holding a very wet Louie. Louie had gotten a bath in the dog’s water bowl. We went to get a towel and he helped me dry him off. While watching Clifford Adam came over to me and started puking. He had diarrhea a couple time after that too. Towards the end of Sesame Street Jacob fell asleep. Adam had much more puking and diarrhea. I could usually tell when he was about to puke and I'd grab the bucket. He did not like the bucket being held by him and he didn't like puking into it. After puking he'd give me a really long hug or he'd ask me to rock him for a little while. Then he'd be ready to play again. He took me to the closet saying, “fish please”. We had fun playing with the fishing game. Jacob woke up around noon and asked to watch a Copper Harbor video so I put that in. Adam puked again. Jacob fell asleep on the floor around 12:30. Adam had fun playing with the pin print toy. I gave him some squirt to drink and he has kept it down. Jacob puked a few time between 1 and 2pm. Adam and I read some book and I tucked him in for his nap at 2:30. Then I picked out several books to read with Jacob. He quickly fell asleep on the couch and slept there until shortly after Daddy came home at 5pm. Daddy and Jacob cuddled on the couch. Jacob puked while cuddling with Daddy. We got a box in the mail from Grandma. Jacob liked his card and the clothes. I'm sure he'll have fun playing with them once he's feeling better. I went outside to take care of the animals. Jared brought the cats (Tiger and Jo) inside and Tiger cuddled up with Jacob. Jacob enjoyed having Tiger lay by him so Daddy said he could stayed inside for the evening. Adam was excited that Tiger was inside. Jacob took a couple bites of chicken noodle soup but soon started puking. He then started dry heaving and paniced liked he was choking. Jacob is very weak and is sleeping a lot. When he got up to use the potty I had him step on the scale. He’s lost 4 ½ pounds. Adam ate a few bites of chicken noodle soup. He asked for some bread and butter but only took a couple bites of that. He is acting ok and hasn’t puked since this afternoon, but still has diarrhea. After dinner Adam took the Wii remote over to Daddy asking, “dame (game)?” Daddy played some Wii balancing games. Jacob slept until bedtime and only woke once to puke. I folded and put away laundry. Adam had fun playing with the dress up clothes from Grandma. He really liked helping me dress Louie in them. When I asked Adam what songs he wanted to sing tonight he requested "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". He enjoys doing the hand motions to that song. We sang that song a few times. Daddy carried Jacob into his bedroom and we tucked him in bed. I read him a few books and sang to him. After praying I kissed his forhead four times (because he's almost 4 years old). When I asked him if I could kiss his forhead one more time he said, "No, kiss my lips" and he gave me a little smile.

Jared here… I’ve stolen the computer for a second just for fun. Calling home today from work was quite an adventure. Each time I did it wasn’t long before Kimmy said “I gotta go Jacob’s puking” And the next time I called it was Adam puking or Adam diarrhea …. It was interesting. Kimmy and I talked a half doz times each for about a minute. Kimmy was going 90mph all day long with two sick kids. Being at work never seemed so easy, not one bit of puke to clean up. Jacob reminds me of myself when I’m sick… just crash on the couch and don’t dare move a muscle. It was kind of scary to see from this side, but being similar in behavior it only makes sense. Tomorrow’s another day… And yes I did bring Tiger the cat inside, mental illness on my part. Tiger just sat on the couch with Jacob…almost as good a babysitter as Truman…almost…. Back to Kimmy…


The Daddy said...

I was wondering if Jared was sick for having the cats in the house..either that or there was another mouse running around and tormenting Jared by not getting in the trap so he was goign to bring out the big guns.

Hope the boys are better soon. I'm sure thats not fun cleaning up puke..Andrews puked on me once (several months ago) not fun thats for sure.

Anonymous said...

Guess what, Jacob? The mailman brought your letter. Thank you sooooo much. I love the pictures you and Adam drew and your photograph is soooo nice. Now...I hope you feel better real soon. Like maybe today would be good. I am looking forward to seeing pictures of you on the blog with sparkling healthy eyes. That tells me that you are feeling better. NO MORE PUKING. You have proven you can do that well. I hope Adam gets well real soon also. Your mother likes to play with you and sick children don't like to play. So...get well. Grandpa is feeling real good today. That was until we found out that the pump needs to be pulled from the well. NO water. What a bummer. And city water is coming through soon but not soon enough. I'm still knitting.

Dust Bunny said...

CAT POWER. Another house kitty

Anonymous said...

Cats are great companions. I am glad that Jared has finally seen the light. Just look at the contentment in the cat picture!!

Puke was one of the hardest things about being with pre-schoolers. Poop I could manage more easily than puke. I always kept a bag of kitty litter in my classroom so I could sprinkle it on the puke while I deal with the child. Then, when I came back to the puke, the litter had absorbed a lot of the liquid and it was easier to clean up. But, being at school, I only had to deal with one puke-up and then the kid got sent home.

Anonymous said...

Better news then I thought...Just need a new pressure tank. No pump. Yahoo. Please Jacob and Adam...get well right now. Another hat just came off the needles.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for cats even they are not my favorite animal. What ever the grandchildren need to make them feel better, they can have!

Vikki's Blog said...

Having Tiger in your house should work for a mouse trap. hehe!!!
Jacob can we borrow your kitty for our animal that we have living in our house???

Vikki's Blog said...

O yea...happy birthday make me feel so young so I just wanna thankyou for that. lol
♥ ya

O and Happy Valentines day to all of you...I ♥ you all SO MUCH!!!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Jared! And Happy Valentines Day to you all too. Love Ya and hope we all get better soon so we can get together again. Miss you guys. ♥ Melissa

Vikki's Blog said...

I always knew Kimmy had super powers I just didnt know what they were, now I do. And she is definitely Super Mom from what I saw these last few days...heck the last 4 years. hehe. ♥ u Kimmy!!!