Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sick boy.

Jacob showing me his "oga" moves.

His karate kick.

"Awh, you ok Adam?"

It was –5 degrees this morning. The water pipes were frozen. After Jared left for work I started exercising. Adam woke up around 7:30. He sat on the couch with his blankey’s and some books and watched me exercise. I continued exercising as we watched Curious George. Jacob woke up at 8:30. He was excited to show me a boat in his Waldo book that looked like an orr boat. We sat on the couch and looked thru the "Where’s Waldo" book. Jacob is good at finding Waldo. Adam was acting fussy. He didn’t want to eat his breakfast. We watched Clifford and then Sesame Street. Adam cuddled next to me on the couch during Sesame Street. I was thinking how nice it was cuddling with him and he started puking. After cleaning up the first mess he started puking again. Poor guy. While I was cleaning him up he asked for his blankey’s. Jacob ran to get them for him. He just sat in the chair watching Sesame Street. I gave him some Tylenol and soon after that he started playing again. I made him and Jacob a gatorade slushie which they really liked. Jacob wanted play the picture puzzle game on the Wii photo channel. Then Adam wanted me to do the soccer ball and skiing games. We got out the firetruck playhut to play in. Adam ate a sandwich and a few bites of an apple for lunch. After lunch we got out paper and some markers and had fun coloring. At 1:30 I rocked Adam while we read some books. After we'd finished singing he pointed towards his bedroom saying, “Bed”. He was glad to lie in his crib and asked for Jacob to lie by him. Jacob patted his belly and talked softly to him for a couple minutes. Jacob and I played with playdoh and then read some books. He rested in his bedroom while looking at the Where’s Waldo book and playing with his cars. I relaxed and drank my coffee and then started exercising. After Jacob was done resting we had fun playing with his cash register. First Jacob was the cashier and I was the shopper. A couple times I filled up my shopping cart with items to purchase. After scanning all my items and taking my money Jacob always said, “Have a nice day”. Then he said his store was closing up for the day and he locked all the doors. Next I was the cashier. He came to me with a shopping cart loaded and said he was Christmas shopping for his kids. As I scanned the items he’d tell me who the item was for. It was funny to hear the names he made up for all his kids. Then he took his cartload of items to his home. After I locked up the store I visited him at his house. He told me his sons were sleeping. Then he told me all their names and how old they were. Once they were awake he showed them the toys he'd gotten them. He then asked me if I wanted to come with him to wake up his daughters. After my store opened back up he did several more shopping trips. Once, as I was scanning his items, he started doing the "potty dance". As I was about to ask him if he had to use the potty he said, “Do you have a bathroom, cause I gotta go potty”. I told him the bathroom was down the hallway, second door on the right. I asked him if he needed help finding it but he said, “No, I can find it”. Adam woke up around 5pm. Jared stopped at meijer for some Gatorade and a new thermometer. He got home around 5:30. Adam had a temperature of 101 so I gave him some ibuprofen. After dinner I went outside to take care of the animals. Then I checked Adam’s temperature again and it was down to 99. He had diarrhea. After I changed him he went back to playing with his little people toys. I love watching him play. Soon Jacob came in to play with us. The boys were tucked in bed around 9pm. Jared's not feeling well either.


The Daddy said...

Kimmy How do you know Jared wasn't feeling very good either...was it because he was carrying around yellow bear??

Vikki's Blog said...

Awe...poor Adam, he looks so not himself. Tell him Aunt Bippi loves him and give him a big hug and kiss for me.
I think Jacob has the most pretty (sorry Jared) I mean the most handsome eyes of any kid I have ever seen. Wow his eyes just make me melt. Tell him I love him too and give him a kiss and hug for me too.
♥ Aunt Bippi

Anonymous said...

Humm...JB's not feeling well, His yearly thing is back. It started when he was two. Oh, I can't remember...was there a flu shot this year. This is the beginning of the season. You have such cute kids!!!!! Jacob's family shopping trip is the best and the next best thing is that you are writting it down. If JB stays home the rest of the work force might escape the bug. Makes sense to me. Hope Adam is over this soon and Jacob and you don't bit the dust.

Anonymous said...

Good stories, Kimmy! The shopping is terrific. So, Jacob has daughters, huh? Any twins?

Remember that mothers get a lot of exercise just taking care of all that comes along, so you may not need to use the Wii as often as Jared does -- Jared stares at a computer screen for long stretches of the day, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

Poor little sweetie Adam. Tell him Nana is praying for him. I'm praying for the rest of you too. Can't wait till everyone is back to normal. Cute picture of Jacob doing his Oga. I loved the shopping trip. What a great imagination. Much love to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Jared and Adam are feeling much better today. Jared did get a flu shot this year.