Sunday, February 15, 2009


Jacob fell asleep soon after we headed into town.

Helping Mommy make a cake.

Putting on the sprinkles.

Time to blow out them candles.

Early this morning Jacob called me from his bedroom a few time. A couple times he just wanted a hug and once he said, “Mommy, I love you”. I got up to exercise and Jacob lay in bed with Daddy. They slept until around 8:30. Adam woke up at around the same time. First Daddy opened his birthday presents and then the boys opened their Valentines bags. The boys got some goodies, matchbox gas trucks, and playdoh. Adam doesn’t have a semi truck so his gas truck was a semi truck. When Jacob saw Adam’s semi truck he said, “You wanna share that with me Adam?” Jared got me some socks and a body sized pillow for Valentines Day. Jacob seems better today though he still has no appetite and seems weak. He is now down 6 ½ pounds. Daddy tried out his new Mario Kart game. Soon we headed into town for drinks and donuts. Jacob requested a chocolate donut so Daddy said, “Ok, lets test the system”. He ate half his donut and drank some of his chocolate milk and kept it down. We then headed over to Nana and Papa’s house. Jacob just lay on the couch. I asked the boys if they wanted to go down in the basement and they both did. Nana and Kenzie came down too. Jacob just sat in the rocking chair. Adam had fun playing with the toys. Nana gave Jacob a blanket and then he cuddled on her lap. Kenzie made him a lemonade slushie, which he loved. Adam enjoyed his too. Vikki and Rody came over for a visit. Jacob didn’t want anything for lunch but did take a couple bites of a cookie. Adam only wanted applesauce. Kenzie read Jacob some books on the couch. Adam had fun playing with the doctor kit and the Little People barn. Uncle Jared tried out his new Super Mario game on the Wii. They boys opened their Valentines gifts from Nana and Papa. We got back home around 3pm. The boys helped me make Daddy’s birthday cake. Jared played his new game on the Wii. I lay Adam down for a late nap around 4pm. He only slept for about an hour. Jacob and Adam decorated Daddy’s cake with sprinkles. Then Jacob put on the candles. Adam had diarrhea so I got him cleaned up and changed. I set him at the table with a popsicle and he started puking. Jacob and I played Toot and Puddle. Adam sat on my lap and helped me mail my postcards and roll the dice. We made Teriyaki chicken for dinner. I was going to set Adam at the table with some crackers but he started puking again. He puked a lot and refused to use the bucket. As we ate dinner Adam sat on his blanket and looked at a book. Jacob ate a little for dinner. Adam had diarrhea again. Daddy had fun playing his Super Mario game on the Wii. I went outside to take care of the animals. When I came back inside we lit the candles on the cake and sang “Happy Birthday” to Daddy. Since the boys are sick Daddy decided to wait and eat cake after they were in bed. He and I played Mario Kart until pj time. The boys were tucked in bed around 9:30. Jared and I played some Mario Kart and then watched a movie.


Anonymous said...

I am glad that Jacob is apparently getting better. But, now it seems that Adam is getting it. I don't understand why you need the Wii to exercise, Kimmy; I think your little boys are giving you plenty of exercise!

Happy birthday, Jared. Those candles are pretty impressive!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JARED!!! Did you leave me a present in my car. I found a diaper (used) it it when I went to check on grandpa today....You are the only one I suspect I hate to say. Nice cake you and the boys made for Jared, Kimmy. I felt so bad that Jacob just sat with no energy, but I am glad when I talked to Jared today that he his doing much better. Let's keep those boys's too sad to see them not feelling well. I did like cuddling with Jacob though, I must admit. Great picture of Vikki and Rody and nice birthday & valentine pictures of your precious family. Love ya

The Daddy said...

Penny if it was Jared who left that present for you in the car and I do belive that it was him who left should be lucky it was probably only 15 degrees out side instead of 80 or 90 peeeew!!