Monday, February 23, 2009

"Dame please?"

Jacob put a couple couch pillows in these boxes and said it was a present for me.
Adam throwing a pillow at me.

Soon after we got into bed last night Jared sat up and said, “Whats that? I hear something dripping.” As he went to take care of it I laughed because it was the ticking clock that has been in our bedroom for weeks. I got up this morning to exercise until the boys woke up. Jacob woke up at 8am. We watched Curious George. Adam woke up around 9:00. He went right to playing with his fireman hat and spraying his "hose." Jacob and I put together the USA puzzle. He's gotten good at this puzzle and doesn't need much help. I just read the state name for him. The boys ate cheerios and toast for breakfast. After watching Clifford Jacob got out his drum and said, “I was gonna try my drumming.” We also watched Sesame Street. When Elmo’s World came on Adam pointed at the TV saying, “Elmo’s word, Elmo’s word!” Jacob played at the counter with moon sand until lunchtime. Adam played with moon sand for a while but then wanted down to play with other things. After lunch Adam was walking around with the drum over his head and Jacob said, “Maybe hims in outer space.” Adam played with the Little People things and the barn in his bedroom. As I walked in to check on him he patted the floor and said, “Play, me (play with me).” We played with that for a little while. I had moved all the kitchen chairs and stools onto the carpet and Jacob had fun playing on them. I cleaned the kitchen and scrubbed the floor and baseboards. Jacob helped me scrub for a short time and then was off doing other things. I gave them a couple boxes to play with. They pretended their boxes were boats. Jacob would put one box on top of the other and wrap me presents. Then Jacob asked if I wanted to go shopping to get a present for Adam. He wrapped up a car and gave it to Adam. Adam and I had fun throwing the couch pillows at each other. After he'd throw one at me he'd run away as quick as he couch. We had snacks and then read some books. I tucked Adam in for a nap at 2:30. Jacob and I read a few books and then he rested in his bedroom. Jacob watched as I started repainting the grout in our kitchen. He wanted to help so I got him a paintbrush. He did really good and was so careful about just painting the grout. When he did get some paint on the tile he'd wipe it off with his finger and then wipe his finger onto his paint shirt saying, "Thats ok." Adam woke up around 5pm. The boys played with playdoh at the counter until dinnertime. Jared got home around 5:30. I went outside to take care of the animals. After dinner Adam and I had fun racing his cars down the track. Jacob asked Daddy to play his Mario game. I got some good cuddles from Adam as we sat in the rocker and watched Daddy play. After the boys were tucked in Jared and I watched 24.


Anonymous said...

Never a dull moment with that JB.
It's your turn to get all the benifits. Adam looks sooooo old and grown up.

Anonymous said...

I look at your web site more than once a day. Helps to make me feel I'm not missing to much. I'm trying to fool my brain.

Melissa said...

Jacob says such cute things.

Anonymous said...

Those grandsons of mine are the cutest!!!