Monday, February 02, 2009

This is what Adam did when I said it was time to brush his hair. He stayed like this as I went to get the camera and took his picture.

Jacob and Truman resting.

Fun before bed.

I got up early to exercise. The boys woke up around 9am. Jacob didn’t eat much for breakfast. We watched Clifford and Sesame Street. Adam found Truman’s bone and took it to him. Then he came over to me saying, “hanned (hand)”. He grabbed my hand and led me down the hallway saying, “Bone”. He wanted to show me the bone he’d given to Truman. I pretreated stains and got several loads of laundry washed. When Sesame Street got done Adam waved at the tv while saying, “Bye”. Jacob asked to play with moon sand at the counter. He has become such a polite boy saying, “Please” or “Thanks you Mommy”. The boys ate well for lunch. After lunch Adam noticed the giraffe, which I had set on top of the fish tank. He reached up for it and said, “jaff (giraffe)”. The boys had fun riding around on their ride on cars. Then they played together with the little barn. Adam brought over the doctor kit saying, “dock-sir”. We had fun playing doctor. Adam came over to me crying and showing me his hand. When I asked him what happened he said, “piano” as he took me over to show me that he’d pinched his fingers while shutting it. Around 2:30 we read some book and then I lay Adam down for a nap. Jacob and I read a few more books and then he rested in his bedroom while playing with matchbox cars. He wanted Truman to rest in his bedroom too. I put the dog bed next to his bed. When I walked by his room he was on the bed with Truman looking at books. After he was done resting we read several books together on the dog bed. I did some exercises. While I was running Jacob would named all the Mii characters that he recognized. Jacob played with playdoh at the counter. He prepared a playdoh dinner. I went outside to take care of the animals. Jared did some exercises to the Wii. By the time I came back inside Adam was awake. The boys played with their doctor kits. During dinner Adam bit his finger. He said, “Ouch” and wanted some kisses. After dinner the boys shared a banana. I always remind Adam to take small bite. Before I could tell him he said, “Small bites”. After dinner we folded and put away laundry. The boys each carried their piles of clothes to their bedrooms. Jacob helped fold and put away the towels and bibs. Then they played in the tub until pj time. When I put on Adam’s shark pj’s he said, “shark shirt”. The boys had fun running around together. We tucked them in bed by 9pm. Jared and I watched 24.


The Daddy said...

wow surprised that the superman pillow case is still around..Its almost as old as yellow bear.

Anonymous said...

I love the superman pillow. Seems like old times. Wii. Hummm I thought it was a for fun game and now it's getting you out of bed to exercise. Well, it could be a game but really must be something good to do that. The boys are so CUTE. Knitted another hat today and did a little sewing on a bag for tools for a shop vac at church. I'm going to start on some dress up clothes for the church kids to play with.

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of Jacob reading by Truman. And Adam hiding behind his hands is too funny.

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures of the boys. I love the smiling faces. Adam is too cute with hiding behind his hands.
Love ya!

Vikki's Blog said...

I ♥ you Kimmy!!!

Anonymous said...

I ♥ you too!!!