Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kissing his sucker.

Playing with the Toot and Puddle game. I love Adam's puckered lips in this picture.

I got up to exercise this morning. Jacob woke up shortly after 8am and went into our bedroom to cuddle with Daddy. Adam woke up around 8:30. The boys just wanted toast for breakfast. They seem to be feeling much better today. No puking all day. Adam had diarrhea a couple times. There appetites aren't great but are much better than yesterday. Jared went outside to take care of the animals. We decided to stay home from church today. Daddy played his Mario game for a little while. We got out the toolboxes to play with. Jacob put the stool on the back of the dump truck so the front wheels were up off the floor. We pretended to be working on it with our tools. Daddy lay his head under the truck and asked Jacob to hand him tools. I told Jacob that I worked at the auto shop and then I asked him where he worked. He said, “Um, I work at home." And when I asked him what he did at home he said, “Play with my kids.” We then had fun playing the board game “Toot and Puddle”. Adam rolled the dice and mailed the postcards for me again. Jacob is good at counting the spaces as he moves his pig (Toot). The boys had fun playing with the board and pieces after we were done with our game. After lunch Daddy got out the fire truck play hut. He also gave the boys long pieces of yard to play with. Jacob and Daddy "roped off" areas in the living room with their yarn. I posted a cell phone on ebay for Rody. At 2:30 I lay Adam down for a nap. Jacob rested on the couch while playing with his matchbox cars. Daddy played with Jacob for a while and then he played his Mario game. When Daddy gave Jacob some m&m’s, Jacob said, “I’m gonna name these children”. I got caught up on my blog postings. Daddy and Jacob watched the race. Adam woke up around 6pm. After dinner Jacob and I went outside to take care of the animals. Jacob had fun drawing in the dirt on the barn floor with a long stick. He drew circles and said they were hot air balloons. We collected a total of 13 eggs today. As we walked the shoveled path up to the house Jacob noticed the tire tracks in the driveway and said, “Look there’s lots of paths”. After taking the eggs and buckets of corn inside Jacob and I went back outside to play. We had fun walking up and down the driveway in the tire tracks pretending they were paths to follow. Jacob wanted to sit on the steps and pretend we were driving. He pointed down by my foot and said, "Thats the low (slow) button". He then said we were construction worker building a playground. He chose a spot by our garden and we went to work. After we finished building the playground, we had fun pretending to slide down the slide. Jacob found a couple nice sticks to play with and we used them to draw in the snow. Back inside we watched Funniest Home videos. The boys got out their car cases and played with their cars. They played in the bathtub until pj time. We tucked them in bed shortly after 9pm. Jared exercised to the Wii.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you might be over the worst although I would imagine that it will take Jacob a few days to really get back to being completely well and full of energy. I'm looking forward to that. Off to the dentist today, I hope. I'm sure this tooth will not receive good news. What a bummer.

Anonymous said...

This is a much happier blog to read. I am glad to read that the boys are feeling better -- no puking is certainly good news! I am glad to read that you were caught up on your blog posts -- but I had already noticed that yesterday. I wonder where your imaginations will take you today. . .

Melissa said...

Glad to hear the boys are starting to feel much better. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't receive any bad news from the tooth doctor because I got busy with something and forgot to go. That is a bummer for sure. See him Wed. Went to Bud's funeral. That also was a bummer thing to need to do. were mentioned as having helped with hooking up banner that Bud pulled.