Sunday, February 01, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday.

Jacob getting Jack to smile.

Jacob gave him a bunch of baby toys. Then he covered him with a couple blankets.
Jacob just watching Jack. The kids adore Jack.
Playing the honeybee hop game.

Adam watching Jack.


Hailey and Jacob tried to do yoga poses with Kenzie.


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures of all the cousins. They certainly are getting big!

The Daddy said...

Did you ever chatch the mouse? Just wondering if the mouse is still outsmarting Jared.

Anonymous said...

This morning we found that the mouse ate the peanut butter but the trap didn't go off.

Melissa said...

I love the pictures of Jacob making Jack smile and giving him all those toys. The kids are so sweet with him. And I think Jack adores all the kids just as much as they adore him.

Anonymous said...

That was such a fun evening! I'm glad I finally got to try the Wii. It was so much fun. It's amazing all it can do.

Anonymous said...

You took some great pictures of the kids. You always do a super job. It was a fun day. Love ya

The Mommy said...

We had the same problem when we were trying to catch a mouse-- he'd eat the peanut butter and not set the trap off. The solution that worked? Pressing pieces of dog food into the pb. I guess having to work harder for the dog food or something did the trick? Not sure... but we caught it that way.

Anonymous said...

Great cousin pictures. The Russell boys are soooooo lucky. Can you believe this...we had what I thought was a mouse in the kitchen. Doug set two traps for the little guy and the next morning both of the traps had a mouse . I would think that if one of the traps went off that would have scared the other mouse. Well, maybe they both went off at the same time. Makes me wonder. No more mice at our house currently.

Anonymous said...

Kat, Thanks for the tip - we'll have to try that.

Vikki's Blog said...

I love the picture of all the cousins, its so cute!!! And the last one of Kenzie playing the wii with her hands on her hips, lol.