Monday, February 09, 2009

"Look Mommy, I taught him that, take a picture of us".

Trip to the mailbox.

Trip back home.

I have a couple great helpers.
Hugs for Louie.

"Look at my hat".

Jacob and Truman resting.

Jared and Kenzie left around 6:30. I started exercising after they left. Jacob woke up around 7:45. We watched Curious George. Adam woke up around 8:30. During breakfast Kate jumped on the couch and started barking. Adam pointed at her and said, “dop (stop) bark Kate!” Jacob was excited that he taught Adam to lay on the floor with his hands holding his face. He asked me to take a picture of them. Then he and Adam were running down the hallway when Jacob got going too fast and pushed Adam in the back. Right away Jacob started rubbing Adam's back saying, “Are you ok buddy?” Adam asked for his blankey's and Jacob went to get them. Then Jacob said, “I’m gonna find something to make him happy". He picked out a book for us to read together. When we were done reading Jacob asked Adam, “Are you happy?” Adam replied, “Uh huh”. Jacob had fun playing with the backpack (which he calls “packback”) that Kenzie gave him. He said, “Mommy, please will you be a school bus?” I pretended to be driving a school bus as I picked him up from his house and took him to school. He'd tell me when school was over and then I'd pick him up and take him back home. Then he'd tell me he had lots of homework to day and wave goodbye. Adam had fun riding in the school bus too. He was fussy much of the morning. I told Jacob that after lunch we were going to take a walk to the mailbox. He wanted to send some mail to Grandma so I gave him some papers. He drew a couple pictures and told me what to write for a note. Adam said, "Me me" so I gave him a paper to draw on too. They put their papers in the envelope and we got it ready for mailing. After lunch Adam had fun pushing Louie around in the shopping cart. It was a nice day outside (high 30’s). We took a walk down to the mailbox. Adam didn’t want to walk on the icy road so I pulled him in the wagon. I had something to mail and then Jacob put in his letter to Grandma. He put up the flag and shut the door. Then he said, “Tell the mailman to take that to Grandma’s house”. Adam walked most of the way back except where it was really slippery. When we got back Jacob played in the sand with his tractor. I was sitting on the steps when Adam sat next to me. I said, “Hi buddy” to which he replied, “Hi buddy”. It was cute. We went back inside around 2:15 for a snack. We read book and sang songs. I tucked Adam in for a nap and Jacob rested while looking at books in his bedroom. He sat on the dog bed with Truman. After he was done resting he had fun playing on the computer at PBS kids. He loves to decorate float and then show them to me. Jared came home around 5pm. We went outside to take care of the animals. Back inside Jacob and I sat at the table and washed off the rocks he collected on our walk earlier. Then we had fun watching Daddy play some of the balancing games on the Wii. Adam woke up just before dinnertime. Adam opened the fridge and said, “Apple” so I cut them up an apple to have with dinner. After dinner the boys played with their cars. Then I got out the moon sand for them to play with. Jared and I played some bowling. Around 8pm the boys were having a snack and we prayed for Aunt Meme. She was admitted to the hospital yesterday with pneumonia. Jacob said, “I wanna call Meme”. He said, “Hi, how are you feeling?” He also told her that he was eating a snack. I’m not sure what she said but he was nodding his head yes and smiling a lot. Tonight, after doing Adam’s bedtime routine, instead of walking he crawled to his bedroom with his head on the floor the whole way. Occasionally he'd look up to see where he was going or make sure I was smiling at him. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm. Jared and I watched 24. Now Jared is exercising to the Wii.


Anonymous said...

Great snow pictures. Ours is gone, gone. Daddy is still feelling puny. I knitted another hat last night. Went to bed after 12.

Anonymous said...

Jacob is sick too. Puking during the night and diarrhea this morning.

Anonymous said...

I thought your snow melted in Michigan . . . or maybe it was just starting to melt . . . whatever -- I was surprised to see so much snow still on the ground.

I am sorry for the sickies. We have had a cold going the rounds here -- I had it for about 36 hours, but passed it on.

Anonymous said...

The pictures do make it look as if we have lots of snow. Really though the only snow left is in the ditches by the woods, area on our road, or where it has been piled up from plowing. Jacob was able to sit and play in his sand area, which he hasn't done in quite a while. It's such a beautiful day today. More snow will be melting. Jacob has been sick on the couch all day.

bucktd said...

How far is your mailbox?

Anonymous said...

It's about a quarter mile from teh house. If you remember to stop on the way home it's not a big deal. Makes for a good walk.

bucktd said...

I thought we had some property... How big is your property?

Anonymous said...

Poor Jacob. Hope he is feeling much better. Hugs and kisses from nana and much love.

Anonymous said...

We have 10 acres but the reason our mailbox is so far away is because we live on a private drive. All the mailboxes are at the end of our road.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Jacob and Adam resting their face on their hands. Jacob sure was a good teacher as Adam is doing it just like him. So cute!!!