Thursday, February 26, 2009

Watching Clifford.

Adam playing Doctor with Truman. He's holding a puke dish for him.

Jacob playing with a new toy from Aunt "Bippi".

Jared really gets into his Wii tennis game:)

Boys exercising.
Jared kept laughing because Jacob would pull his ears.
Daddy gets a ride.

Jared left for work around 6:30 and I started exercising. Jacob woke up around 7:45 and Adam was awake by 8am. We watched Curious George. After breakfast Jacob picked out some books to read together. After getting ready for the day we watched Clifford. The boys got out their fold up chairs to sit on. We also watched Sesame Street. Adam likes to run full speed at the exercise ball. Then he will roll up on it and roll off of it (hopefully not into anything). Vikki came to our house around 11am. Jacob played with playdoh at the counter. Adam played with the doctor kit. He also ran around playing with the dogs. Vikki and I had fun looking at picture books from when we were young. After lunch Jacob asked to play with his yarn pieces. He likes to tie them to the measuring cups. Adam sure has fun hitting around the plastic orange with the tweezers from their doctor kit. Jacob decorated a piece of cardboard with some stickers. Around 2pm we has a snack and read some books. Adam napped from 2-5pm. Jacob played with his cars and the foam blocks. He had the foam blocks spread out on the kitchen and he was pretending the tractor and stool (on its side) was a bulldozer as he pushed them around. Aunt “Bippi” had brought cool badge stickers for the boys. Jacob had them all on his shirt. He played at the counter with playdoh and said he was making foods, which he cut into tiny pieces. Vikki and I did our exercises together. Jared got home around 5pm. Daddy and the boys played with foam blocks while Vikki and I went outside to take care of the animals. The boys had fun playing with Aunt “Bippi” until dinner was ready. Adam sure was laughing hard. After dinner Jared played some tennis on the Wii. Jacob pretended to be a firefighter. He said, “And don’t EVER play with fire!” Vikki headed home around 7:30. It was raining outside. Adam asked me to drive with him under the counter. We pretended the stools were our cars. Jacob came to drive with us, but soon left saying he was going shopping. As he walked away he told me to say I was going to go look at the broken cars. He got some clothes out of his drawer, refolded them, and then put them in a container to carry around. We tied yard to sticks so the boys could pretend to be fishing. Jared went down in the crawlspace to get some clothes bags for me. The boys went down too. They were tucked in bed around 9pm.


Vikki's Blog said...

I had so much fun at your house today (and Yesterday). Thanks for having me over again, even though I know the horses needed watering. hehe!!!
I love you guys, cant wait to see you again tomarrow.
♥ you,

Jacob and Adam, I had so much fun with you guys today, I love both of you sooooooo much!!!
♥ ♥ ♥
and xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo!!! from Aunt Bippi

Vikki's Blog said...

O and by the way...EVERYBODY...I was at Kimmys, hence the no pictures of me, I made her promise b4 I got there that she wouldnt take any pictures of me. She kept her promise...thanks Kimmy.
♥ u,

Vikki's Blog said...

O and another forgot to write about what happened when I asked Adam if he wanted my sticker surprise. hehe it was halarious.

Anonymous said...

Another fun day. I'm impressed with the pushups. Wow...Things are happening or maybe I'm just seeing what has been happening a long time. Tennis...That's an off the floor shot for sure. I continue to love seeing what the little guys are saying and doing.
Thanks so much Kimmy for your time on the computer.