Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The boys woke up around 8:30. Adam always acts like he doesn’t want to be lifted out of the crib in the morning. When I reach my hands to pick him up he says, “No” and lies down. Jacob and Adam rode the tractor and cart together this morning. Jacob looked at me as he pulled Adam in the cart behind him and said, “A hay ride!” It was so fun to watch them ride all over the house like this. Then they carried a piece of packing material and pretended to be selling cupcakes. I loved watching Adam pick up a “cupcake” and pretend to eat it or he'd hand it to me to eat. Then Jacob put the packing material around his waste and said, “Were buckled up” and he had Adam hold it from behind. We watched Clifford as we ate breakfast. After Adam finished what was in his bowl he said, “Nore (More)”. As I poured a few more cheerios into his bowl he said, “A lot!” Around 10am we headed to the library to take back some books and dvd’s. The temperature was in the single digits, though it didn’t feel as cold as yesterday because of the wind. Then we headed to Nana’s house. On the way we stopped at Tim Horton’s for a coffee and donuts. It was around 11am when we got to her house. Nana wasn't there yet but the boys were very excited to see Aunt “Bippi” was. We took the boys down to the basement to play. Adam loved putting “chap stick” on our lips with the pretend lipstick. Jacob had fun playing “ambulance”. The boys loved running around the basement making siren sounds. Adam lost his sock and said, "My tock (sock), burr". The basement floor is cold. Soon after the boys finished their lunch Nana arrived. Jared got there around 1:30. We left soon after that to make Adam’s 2:10 appointment with the Urologist. Jacob was excited to stay with Nana and Aunt “Bippi”. Adam loved looking at the fish in the waiting room. We all had fun playing on the train table. Adam did great during his appointment, and only cried during the exam. Adam is going to need surgery for circumcision revision. After discussing options woth the doctor, we decided to wait 6 more months for a recheck appointment. Due to a “fat pad” in that area, if the surgery were done now he’d also need liposuction. On the way back to Mom’s house we stopped at Salvation Army and Best Buy. We then went to Grandpa’s house to decorate Christmas cookies. It was around 4:30 so I lay Adam down in the playpen for a late nap. He fell asleep very quickly. Grandpa, Mom, Kenzie, Jacob, Jared and I all had fun decorating the cookies. Decorating sure is faster with lots of help. Afterward Jared, Kenzie, and Jacob had fun playing together. We woke Adam up just before leaving around 6:30. Stopped at Kohl’s before going over to Mom’s house for dinner. Thanks Mom for dinner. The boys had more fun playing in the basement. We headed home around 8pm. It was snowing when we left. Were supposed to get 2-4 inches of snow tonight. The goats and sheep were loose in the barn. We’ll catch them tomorrow. In the mail we got the new LCD screen for my camera. Jared fixed that while I got the boys tucked in bed. It’s nice to again see what I’m taking a picture of. Then Jared hooked the converter box to our tv. Were used to a fussy picture – its nice to see it so clear and we also get more channels.


Anonymous said...

Great stories for yesterday. You have snow...we got a bit of ice. Stayed home all day yesterday knitting stocking hats. My hands are fat and they hurt this morning. Doing a hat in one day I guess is a bit much. But it was fun at the time. We'll use them at Bread and Bowl. I guess it's church day for both of us. Hope the roads are o.k.

Anonymous said...

Good stories.

The cookies sure look good.

Anonymous said...

Wow, a hat a day is fast knitting. We got about 4 inches of snow last night. I start watching the children at church again in January.

Melissa said...

Glad to hear you got your camera working again.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for all the cookies for us and for grandpa. It sure was fun decorating with grandpa wasn't it. The cookies are sure yummy. You took great pictures even if you can't see what you took. I am glad your camera is working again. Love ya

Anonymous said...

My poor hands are in recovery. If I had any sense I would know a hat a day is way to much knitting. Finished another one today. I'll never learn. There is NO hope. Wow..4 inches and I would think what you had hasn't melted one bit. It's so pretty and covers up all that dead stuff. I need some outdoor pictures. I check the live cams in the UP every day. Leslie writes that they have a new snow blower, purchased a recliner and will probably get it to the house by pulling it on a sled.