Saturday, December 06, 2008

Last night Jared was talking funny in his sleep. I couldn’t understand what he was saying so I asked him, “Where are you?” He said, “I’m at the monastery with Uncle Dee”. I told him he was at home in bed but he was convinced otherwise and said, "No, I'm in Georgia, at the monastery with Uncle Dee". Our bedroom started to stink so I got up to check and see if Truman had diarrhea. He didn’t but I decided to lock him in our bathroom for the night. This morning Jacob crawled into our bed at around 8:30. He lay between us with a big smile. I pretended my hand was a spider tickling him and then he asked Daddy for help. Daddy caught “the spider” several times but it always got loose. Then Mommy and Daddy brought out “the pinching bugs” and got Jacob with them. He sure was laughing hard. Soon Adam was awake. When I got up to go get him, I realized it was really cold in the house. The burner had run out of pellets and it was 59 degrees inside. While I got the boys dressed in warm clothes Jared got the fire going. I let Truman out of the bathroom and noticed diarrhea all over in there. I cleaned up that mess. Then Jared went to take a shower. I was getting milk to pour into the boy’s cereal bowls when I heard loud gushing of water and then Jared yelling for me. The handle had broken on the shower and lots of water was coming from it and straight out the door. While we were trying to take care of that situation Jared notices the fire had gone out on the corn burner. Jacob had pulled the lever that opens the door down where the coals burn. So Jared got the fire going again and then he went outside to take care of the animals. While I was talking to my Mom on the phone I went into the bathroom and noticed the pressure of the water had opened the shower door. There was over an inch of water on the floor in the bathroom. I got all the towels in the house to try and soak it up. Jared came in and I told him the water was still coming out. He went back outside to shut off the breaker. I looked for Adam but couldn’t find him. He had locked himself in his bedroom. I was sitting and playing with the Little People toys in his room. We gave Truman some medicine. Then we headed into town for drinks and donuts. Before Daddy went into Dunken Donuts Jacob said, “Daddy, I want a donut hole”. That’s what he usually gets so he said, “ok”. When we handed him his donut hole he said, “But I wanted a donut hole”. He had meant a donut with a hole in the middle, like Daddy gets. We stopped at Salvation Army, Goodwill, and Home Depot. At Goodwill we got Roman shades to go on the window in our kitchen. After going into Home Depot we decided to go back home and get the broken part so we knew what was needed. We got home around 12:30. I made sandwiches for the boys to eat in the van on the way. I also brought them each a cookie for when they were done with their sandwich. Jacob didn’t want to eat his sandwich and just wanted the cookie. He ate the cheese and some bread and then showed me his empty bowl saying, “I all done, see”. Well we knew he hadn’t eaten his bolonie so Daddy asked, “Where did you drop it?” Jacob pointed over his head with a smile and said, “Right there”. He’d throw his bolonie over his head and the pieces were in the back of the van. Adam and I walked around Bed, Bath, and Beyond while Jacob and Daddy went to get the parts from Home Depot. We got back home around 2:30. Jared fixed the shower. Adam took a 3 hr nap. While Jacob was resting he played with magnetic letters and numbers on his white board. Jared had to go back to town for a couple screws and washers to hang the shades. While Jared and I were hanging up the shades Jacob stood on a chair by us. He started singing a made up song and dancing – it was really cute. Daddy and the boys got out the foam blocks and played together while I worked on re-caulking around the shower where it leaks. Jacob kept bringing me pieces of paper towels for my messy hands. Adam came to the bathroom, knelt down, and pointed as he said, “see”. He wanted to see what I was doing. Daddy sent Jacob to the bathroom several times to tickle or pinch me. Then I’d send him back to do something to Daddy. Jacob then sent Daddy to me and said, “Give Mommy a kiss and then lick her”. Well, Daddy did it, but I got him back later. Adam loves to give kisses. After dinner the boys played with their ride on vehicles and carts. Jacob tied a wagon to the back of the dump truck so he could haul around some things. Adam sat down by the blocks and pointed at the floor by him saying, “ouse (house)”. He wanted me to build a house out of blocks with him. At bedtime lately, when I sit on the couch to read with Adam, he always says “choo choo” and runs to get the book called Choo Choo. I don’t read all the words but he loves this book. Then tonight he asked for “duck (a book called Gossie & Gerdie)” and ran to get that book.


Melissa said...

Poor Kimmy! What a day! I couldn't believe all that happened before your morning donuts and coffee.

Anonymous said...

Wow...The balogna story made me laugh. The back of the van is a great place to hide a lot of things. I can just see the blogna sailing away like a frizzibe. You had a morning that doesn't need to be repeated for a long time. Keep cottage cheese around. That's good for the dog problem and fixed Shotten up asap. It would appear that you spent a lot of time in the bathroom yesterday morning for anything but yourself. Today has got to be better.

The Daddy said...

wow Jareds still in GA and not a soap dispenser anymore. Yeah try some rice for truman too. It works pretty good with pepper just make sure its only dog food and rice and nothing from the table.

The Daddy said...

Hey Mr Safty...there is something called a shut off valve. Its usually round and might be red and looks like an out side water spicket valve. If you just trun it to the off position then you wont have that inch of water in the bathroom. If you dont have them might want to look into haveing one or two put in. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Melissa could not have put it any better! What a start to your day! I imagine those donuts and coffee tasted pretty good. I am amazed that you all just stayed up the rest of the day -- you had a good excuse to go back to bed and pull the sheets up over your head!

We had the Atlanta Boy Choir give their annual Christmas concert last night. I may have missed Jared in the crowd . . .

Anonymous said...

There were shut off valves in the crawl space. I even shut them off... they even looked like they were runnign to the shower... they were underneith the shower however they shut off the kitchen sink. If I ever meet the guy that plumbed this house I'm gonna shake his hand then punch him right in the nose.

Anonymous said...

I am exhausted just hearing of your morning...As soon as I talked to you in the morning, I started praying and had dad pray too. You and Jared are real troopers. I am proud of both of you how you handle things and what great parents you are to the boys! Love you both...xoxoxo