Monday, December 15, 2008

Here is Jacob's "camper". He is in the "basement".

Jacob woke up around 8:30. We played with foam blocks and cars until Adam was awake at 9:30. Adam had his blanket draped over the side of the crib and was dancing and singing, “track-sir (tractor), track-sir” when I walked in to get him. We watched Clifford during breakfast this morning. Adam brought me several book to read. Jacob made a “camper” out of the tractor & cart, the stools, and a couple chairs. Then he climbed down from the stools into the “basement”. Jacob told Adam he could have one side of the basement. Adam tried to climb thru the stool and got stuck. He said, “I tuck (stuck)” as he looked at me for help. Around 11am we headed into town. Our driveway was very icy. Jacob slipped and fell on the ice. He’s now got a bruised hand. On the way we took a detour because a semi truck rolled over and the road was closed. It was dangerously cold outside (15 degrees and very, very windy). Just getting the boys in their car seats made my hands hurt. Vikki and Misty met us at Salvation Army. The boys were very excited to see Aunt “Bippi”. Jacob was hyper and very talkative. He was even talking to strangers, which is not typical of him. Usually he turns shyly when they say hi to him but today he was saying hi to everyone. The boys had fun riding around on a ride on fire truck. Jacob rode it most of the time while we were shopping. After we left there the boys ate a packed lunch on the drive to Kohl’s. We got home around 3pm. The boys watched a Baby Einstein dvd. I read to the boys and then lay Adam down for a late nap. Then Jacob and I read some books. Jacob sat at the counter as I prepared a meatloaf and peel potatoes for dinner. Jacob held up the recipe as I read the ingredients for making a meatloaf. He liked crushing the crackers for the meatloaf. As I peeled potatoes he colored and drew on his little white board. He drew a square and said, “Look Mommy, I drawed a square”. Jared got home around 5:30. Jacob ran to hide behind the rocking chair on Daddy. I went to wake Adam up shortly before dinner was ready, but he looked like he’d just sat up when I walked in the room. He cuddled with me in the chair for a while which was really nice. When Jacob saw that Adam was awake he said, “Hi Adam!” After dinner we got out the blocks to play with. Jared had a test for his class this evening. It’s the last day for this class. I folded and put away some laundry while the boys played. Then I put in the Charlie Brown Christmas video. It helped to keep them quieter so Daddy could concentrate during his test. After tucking Adam in bed I cuddled with Jacob in the rocking chair. Jared got done with his test around that time. Today Jacob has been holding up different three finger combinations and saying, “Dat three?” As we sat in the chair we talked about what we’d done today and sang some songs. Jacob asked Daddy to sit by us and sing so he did.


The Daddy said...

wow a camper with a basement..I bet nana's doesnt' have one of those in her camper.

Anonymous said...

Imagination is running wild. In this case wild is very good. The kitchen floor is clean. Next time you do cookies I want to see the floor before you clean it up. You know...I'm a visual learner. The sight of cookies everywhere is a great memory. Check my blog. I baked yesterday, big time. But no roll out stuff. Just the easy drop cookies. Might do some in the press. Do you have a press? They are fun to squish out. Hope you can play outside today. It's a germ free environment.

Anonymous said...

Yes, imagination is running wild -- and so is conservation of number!!!!! Hooray for Jacob! He is beginning to realize that three is three, no matter what elements are being grouped!!!! These three fingers and those three fingers are THREE!!! Three apples, three oranges, three bananas, THREE!!!! THREEE!!!!!!! The number is not dependent on the particular objects!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jacob has a 4 level stool...regular chair...and the basement. Wow...He should be on someones design team. Knitting stocking hats today for soup kitchen guys. I'm on the 4th one and the stitches are getting better. I can do one in a day. Well, part today and part tomorrow really.