Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jacob was very excited to find Daddy hiding under the blankets this morning. The boys liked decorating the window with Christmas clings. They took turns picking a piece to put on the window. After breakfast we headed into town for drinks and donuts. We stopped at Goodwill and then walked next door to the pet store. The boys are always excited to walk around and look at the animals. By the reptiles they have a pretend snake which I held Adam up to see. He pointed at it and said, "Nake!" On the drive home (about 5 miles down from our house) Jared spotted a bald eagle soaring above the road. We turned around and watched him land in a tree by the side of the road. We watched it for a few minutes until it flew off. It was really neat to see. At home Adam ran to get the bag of cars saying, "Tars?" I helped him dump them out for him and Jacob to play with. The boys ate lunch while I gave Jared a haircut. We headed over to Mom's house for a family Christmas party at around 1:30. Once we got there we helped her get things ready. Then Dad and Jared went downstairs to play ping pong. The boys also went down there to play with all the toys. At 3pm I lay Adam down for a nap. He never did fall alseep. We had a great evening visiting with family. The kids had lots of fun playing in the basement together. The dinner was very yummy - thanks Mom! The kids all opened gifts and then we adults did a Chinese exchange. We headed home around 10:00. The boys fell asleep on the drive home. Before Jacob fell asleep he wanted me to call Aunt Bippi. He said, "I forgot to tell Bippi to look under the castle".


Anonymous said...

Wow...most everyone is in red and green but Kimmy and JB...Oh, I forgot...brown and blue are the other Christmas colors. Whop, Whop. Looks like a fun evening. Being with family is part of the season. Miss the outdoor pictures. I'm complaining...Just one post and I'm missing the snow pictures. Off to church this morning...Read the blog. It's going to be a fun morning.

Anonymous said...

Is a Chinese exchange what we in Georgia call a Michigan exchange?

Actually, there is a New England swap in which all presents are in the middle and each person takes a turn choosing a present -- including the possibility of taking something from someone who has already chosen (who must then take something from the middle again).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming early to help me get ready for the party. I was so far behind until you guys got there and did so much to help me. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou