Sunday, December 14, 2008

Adam is shaking flour hands on Mommy.
Daddy just asked him for the roller back. He held it close and said, "No!"

Which ones your favorites?
I'll like them all.

Jacob woke up during the night to use the potty. Then, around 2am, he came back down to our bedroom crying. As I tucked him back in bed he said, “But why did you take my apple?” I told him I didn’t take his apple but that it was a dream. It took him a while to get back to sleep. He woke us up around 9:00 and Adam was awake by 9:30. We missed first service so we went to the second service at church. As we got the boys coats on Adam said, “No (snow), please?” Then Jacob said, “I wanna shovel the driveway”. After service was over we were talking to a lady when Jacob said to me, “I want you to tell the lady that we saw a bald eagle”. As we walked to our car we stopped to show the boys the large icicles hanging from the roof. We walked a little ways and then Jacob said, “that was amazing!” We stopped at meijer on the way home. While I went into the store, Daddy took the boys to the dealership to see the "broken cars". When I came out Jacob asked me if I wanted to see them so we drove thru there before going home. We got home around 1pm. I went outside and cleaned Sammy’s stall while waiting for lunch to be ready. We had pizza for lunch. Then the boys each ate a cupcake from the party yesterday. We read some books together. Around 2:30 I lay Adam down for a nap. Around 3pm I also had Jacob take a nap because he was very tired. He lay in bed for about 45 minutes before falling asleep. Jared took a nap too. Around 5pm I started making dough for Christmas cookies. Jared came and helped me. Jacob woke up soon after we got done with the first batch. He was excited to play in the flour and ran to get some cars. When Adam woke up he also enjoyed playing in flour at the counter. Jacob found him a car to play with. They liked pretending the flour was snow. Adam would point at it and say, “No (snow)!” Jacob said there was 15 inches of snow. I knew trouble was coming when Jared looked at me and said, “I’m thinking of something mischievous". Then he grabbed some flour and threw it at me. That was the start a “flour fight” in the kitchen. Jacob also joined in. After dinner started decorating. We had made 4 batches (3 for Mom and 1 for us) of cookies). We set aside several bags to take and decorate with Grandpa and Mom on Tuesday. The boys each decorated their train cookie and then ate them. Jacob did a good job decorating for a while. Though he kept asking to eat the ones he’d decorated. Adam took a long time eating his train cookie. He liked putting “balls (red hots)” on the cookies for me. After we were about halfway done I put in a Baby Einstein dvd in per Jacob’s request. The boys set up their chairs to watch it. We got done around 9pm. Got the boys dressed in their pj’s and started their bedtime routines. While we were cleaning up Jared said, "Our floor looks like a Christmas cookie".


Anonymous said...

Good grief. They all got into the flour! And mom and dad seemed to lead the troups. You could say there live snow people in the house. What a memory. You could use a cookie picture for your Christmas cards. I loved the big NO on the rolling pin. It would seem that the minute the coats go on it's time to play in the snow. Who needs church? You have those boys conditioned.

Anonymous said...

The rolling pin looks familiar.

ruth said...

I can just see Jared getting it in his head to be mischevious and start a flour fight:). He definitely married the right woman, because I can see you joining in too:). The cookies look great and wow you sure made a ton!
Ruth Jackson

Anonymous said...

I couldn't imagine how you and Jared could get so covered in flour by just making the cookies. Now I get the picture after reading about your exciting evening. Thank you again for blessing me by making cookies for me. You are all so wonderful. I love you all very much. I loved the picture of Adam with the rolling pin. Soooooo cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Your cookie project got me going. I just finished 6 different kinds. Some receips I double, tripled or more. Some are going to School 43 to give to teachers who don't have time to bake. I remember those years well and am just thrilled to do something that I appreciated so much and now can do for others. It's Russian Tea cookies, Movarian Spice, Oatmeal cookies, Peanutbutter cookies, Canadian Honey Drops and Thumbprint cookies. Didn't do any sugar cookies. That takes way to long. LR

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about the flour "fight". You's one of the cheapest things you could play with, makes a huge mess and is there waiting for another round of play. And if mom and dad play with flour and kids play with flour in the "snow", it's a good thing for the flour industry. Helps the economy! We're all for that.

Melissa said...

Wow, that's alot of cookies. Flour fight sounds like fun.