Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Jared left for work around 6:30am. Dad lay Adam in bed with me shortly after 7am. Adam cuddled with me for a little while and then we went downstairs for breakfast. Jacob was up soon after that. We got to Mel's house around 9:30. Max was excited to open his birthday present. Jacob was just as excited for him to open his present. Mom, Mel, Hailey, Jack, and I soon headed to the Bavarian Inn. Jacob and Adam stayed with Uncle Bruce and Max. For Hailey's birthday gift Nana is buying Hailey a newborn baby doll. We walked up to the shops nursury window where we peeked through the glass at all the different newborns in isolettes. The "nurse" gave Hailey a gown to put on. Hailey picked out the baby she wanted and named her "Cassie". Then they took her to the changing table for an exam. She asked Hailey some "yes or no" questions about caring for the baby. They also measured and weighed the baby. It was fun to watch. Afterwards Hailey picked out a cute snowsuit for her baby. Mom took us out to Tiffany's for a lunch. Then we went to Bronners. I had a gift card and used it to buy the shephard for my nativity set. We got back to Mel's house around 2pm. Mom left for a doctors appointment. The kids played inside for a while and then we got them dressed for some playtime in the snow. They had lots of fun getting pulled around on the sled. Jack also loved the sled ride. He'd start to fuss when Mel would stopped pulling him. When I told Jacob we were going to watch the big snowman fill up with air he asked, "with our mouths?" We got back to mom's house around 4:15. Adam had fallen alseep in the car and continued sleeping after I lay him in the playpen. Jared got to Mom's around 4:30. Jacob wanted to play in the basement so we went down there for a little while. On the drive home we stopped at Home Depot and the library. Jacob fell asleep on the drive home and continued sleeping on the couch. He didn't wake up until after dinner so he ate a late dinner. Tonight when I said, "I love you" to Adam he replied, "I vuv vou (I love you)". Adam was eating a cookie after dinner and when Truman begged for it Adam said, "back!". This evening the boys race to the bathroom to brush their teeth. Once they got there Jacob said, "I beat". Adam replied, "I beat", again Jacob said, "I beat" and Adam said, "I beat".


The Daddy said...

so what was the temp down too when the power came back on...or was it on by the time you got back home?

Anonymous said...

The power was on when we got back home but the heat was not. The temp in the house was 57 degrees.

Melissa said...

Love all the pictures. Last night while I was putting Hailey to bed, she said "I had fun today. I like girls day." So glad you could spend the day with us. That was fun pulling the kids around on the sleds too.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a great party. And seeing all the snow makes me appreciate that much more the clear blue skies and the sixty degree weather we are having today -- a day I think a Michigander would be out in shirt sleeves, although I was wearing a sweater.

I see that you had lunch at Tiffany's.