Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The boys put these stools together and then Jacob gave Adam pushes around the house.

Making a snow angel.
Making a snow ball for Adam.

Nana's snow glob

The boys woke up around 8am. After breakfast I got out some green construction paper and traced the boys handprints for making paper handprint wreaths. While I was cutting out the handprints Jacob took the scrap papers and cut them into tiny pieces. Adam sat on the floor and played with the animal doctor kit. He moved the kitty over by the parrot and said, "meow". Jacob then helped me glue the wreaths together. Then we decorated them with glue and glitter. Around 11am we lost electrical power. Adam got out his car case and the boys sat on the floor looking at his car. Adam reached towards Jacob and said, "I fave (have) it, I fave (have) it". I thought he was asking for a car but he wanted the wet wipe that Jacob was holding. Now he also likes to say, "I did it". After lunch we went outside to play in the snow and collect eggs. It was a heavy snow but I still couldn't get a good snowball for building a snowman. Jacob made several little snowmen. Adam had a hard time walking around in the snow. He took a face dive right into the it. I got the shovel and made a path in the yard. As the boys followed behind me Jacob would say, "turn left" or "turn right". They had fun running around on the path. Jacob made a snow angel. He also liked making big snow balls and would say, "this is a egg with lots of baby chicks in it". We went back inside around 2pm. We still had no electricity. While Adam was napping and Jacob rested I worked on laundry. It was getting chilly in the house so I brought the generator up by the house and plugged the corn burner into it so we'd have some heat. I finished putting laundry away after the boys were up. They sure liked helping me carry piles of clothes to the bedrooms. Jared came home soon after 5pm. We went outside to shovel the driveway. The boys had fun playing in the snow. After finishing the driveway, I gave Adam a ride up the driveway on my shovel. When I'd stop pulling him he'd say, "daa (again)". We packed things up and headed over to Mom's house around 7pm. We had a late dinner when we got there. Jared had class tonight from 7:30 til 10:30. The boys, Kenzie, and I went downstairs. Adam had a great time pushing around the strollers. Jacob pretended to be a policeman and chased Kenzie around as he made siren sounds. Then Kenzie and I played pingpongs. My parents came got home around 9pm. Jacob and Adam enjoyed Nana's big snowglob. They danced cute to the music that it plays. Adam fell asleep very quickly. Kenzie and Jacob are sleeping together on the huge bean bag. It took them a while to fall asleep tonight.


Anonymous said...

Great snow pictures. Kat found one of Adam's gloves in the driveway when we were leaving. Power out...what a bummer. It looks like you spent the night.

The Daddy said...

what was for LUNCH and no mention of the temp outside?

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. We had so much frost this morning that Br. Callistus thought it was snow. I should show him your pictures. Callistus is from Trinidad, so I really don't think he knows snow.

Thank you for making lunch so clear to your reading-challenged uncle-in-law. I am imagining bowls of hot tomato soup with tasty grilled cheese sandwiches for a good winter lunch -- but I would not be surprised if you served sandwiches that were taken apart and eaten layer by layer.

Anonymous said...

Well, try to imagine lunch without electricity:)

The Daddy said...

well dont you have the camp stove? I thought you would be more resourseful than this Kimmy...I'm guessing it was lots of snacks.

Anonymous said...

We do have the campstove packed away in the garage but I'd have had to make a trip to town for gas.

The Daddy said...

surprised mr safty didnt' have a spare can around for such purposes