Monday, December 08, 2008

I also added some pictures of the boys from last year.

Jacob got the stool to show us which ornament was his favorite. Of course Adam wanted to do the same.

The boys slept in this morning. Jacob woke up at 9am and Adam was awake around 9:30. Truman had diarrhea all over the bathroom floor this morning. All over, because he walked in it. After the boys were done with breakfast I cleaned up that mess. Adam brought the Jonah - Baby Miracle dvd case over to show me. He pointed at the fish and said, "fish". Then he pointed at the starfish and said, "dar-fish". When he pointed at the whale and said, "fish" Jacob corrected him and said, "No Adam, thats not a fish, thats a whale". Around 11am we headed over to Vikki's house. When we pulled in her driveway Adam said, "Bippi!" The boys loved playing with all her toys. Aunt "Bippi" got out the matchbox road pieces and helped Jacob hook them together. Uncle Rody stuck the start of it under the cushion of the couch and the boys had fun sending their cars down it. They also had fun playing with her wooden train. We ate our packed lunch. When they were done they liked feeding the dogs. When I told Jacob it was almost time to leave for Adam's doctor appointment he asked if he could stay with "Bippi". He jumped up and down excitedly after Aunt "Bippi told him "yes". At the start of Adam's appointment they had me lay him on the table to measure him and then I put him on the scale for a weight (Note: length 33 1/2" and weight 27 lbs 10 oz). He cried during all of that and stopped as soon as I was holding him. Then he and I looked at some books while waiting to see the PA. He kept pointing at the huge painting on the wall of Clifford and saying, "fiford (Clifford)" with a big smile on his face. During the exam he cried on and off. He kept pointing at the door saying, "out". This visit he got two shots. He cried much louder during them but stopped crying as soon as they were done. As I dressed him on the table he reached over to pet Clifford. We left the room and he walked with me to the desk and picked out a sucker. I showed him blue and green and he said, "bew (blue)". We took the green one for Jacob. Adam gave it to him when we got back to Aunt "Bippi's". The boys enjoyed watching Mr Rodgers. We left at 3pm when it was time for Vikki to leave for work. We stopped for a few groceries on the way home. I lay Adam down for a late nap but he never did fall asleep. Jacob and I played on the white board with the magnetic letters and numbers. Jared came home around 5pm. Jacob told Daddy he wanted to play hide-and-seek so they played that. Jacob tried to sneak some m&m's (which Daddy had just said "no more" to) when Daddy went to hide. We packed away the highchair. Adam enjoyed sitting at a booster seat during dinner. After dinner we got out the soft playskool cars. The boys really like the train and making a train out of the tow trucks and cars. Jared had class this evening from 7-10:30pm. The boys had fun playing in a bubble bath this evening.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are wonderful. Jacob with his arm around Adam's neck with a crazy face is one to remember. Truman...he's got to stop that. Have you tried the cottage cheese thing? It was miracle food for us. I think I'm home for most of the day. Yahoo. Just a little Christmas shopping left to do.

Anonymous said...

Not only is Adam imitating Jacob by climbing on the stool -- but BOTH of the little ones are imitating their father: climbing on stools in their socks!

The Daddy said...

Where are the boys harness for being up high on things..not being clipped in is a bad safty I dont see any soft landing zone either should that fall..just objects with pointed corners that could can cause injury. Surprised Mr Safty didn't make that stool with rounded corners! He must have been slacking in his old age.

Melissa said...

We were at the doctors yesterday for Max's three year visit. Our appointment was at 9:30. What time were you there. That's a few appointements that we have made on the same day without even knowing. It wasn't that long ago that we were even there at the same time, I think for one of Jack's appointments. That's funny we keep scheduling them the same day.

Anonymous said...

Good tell the whole story. It's raining big time. Dishwasher needs a new pump and I had to call Tenn. to have them make an appointment with someone here in Indy. What's the world coming to. Way to complicated I would say. I should be living in Midland where JB could do my repair.

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun with Jacob. He was so funny, and he was a big help with folding my laundry. Did Jared like the Super Mario game??? Let me know

Anonymous said...

Mr. Safety,

The need for fall protection is when you're 6 feet high and or within 6 feet from the edge of a roof. 6 by 6 some might call it. And you'd need fall protection if you're up in a lift and when your on a ladder and reaching outside the plane of the ladder... meaning leaning out to reach something or other. 11 iches on a stool is no need for fall protection.

Mr. Safety

And remeber it's slick out there so lets watch for slips trips or falls... those that are 70 have a history of such.

Anonymous said...

I've had my quota of falls. Nothing new coming and if it did I wouldn't be spreading the news. Happy to know that Mr. Safety is informed. Now I hope he does what he says. I'm off to my easy chair. No chance of falling there.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting all the comparison pictures on. Adam looks so grown up in the new pictures. I had looked at that picture from last year and thought you took it this year. I sure see the difference now when they are side by side. My boys are growing up too fast I think. xoxoxo