Friday, December 19, 2008

It sure was snowing a lot as Jared headed to work this morning. (Today we got a total of about 10 inches of snow.) Adam started making a little noises at 8am so I brought him into my bed for some cuddle time. He sure was excited to snuggle between Truman and I. He kept saying “Hi True-in (Truman), Hi Mommy!” He liked pointing out Truman’s eyes, ears and nose. After a while he sat up and noticed Kate at the end of our bed. Then he said, “Hi Tate!” He enjoyed watching the snow out our window. We looked at some books together. Jacob woke up around 9am. The boys stood on the couch to watch the snow out the window. We watched Clifford during breakfast. On Clifford today Emily Elizabeth got her finger pinched by a crab. We’ve seen this episode before and Jacob sure got tense when she went to pick up the rock (crab). When she got pinched he held his finger and said, “oh!” louder than Emily. One of our dogs chewed a very large hole in our duvet cover so I worked on sewing that this morning. Then I took it back to our bed. As I was putting the cover back on Adam came back and reached for my hand saying, “hand”. He took my finger and pulled me down the hallway. He wanted to show me that Sesame Street was on. After Sesame Street was over we went outside. I worked on shoveling the driveway. There was a lot of snow. After about an hour we went back inside for lunch. At 1pm I read and cuddled with Adam before tucking him in his crib for a nap. Then Jacob and I went back outside. There already were a couple inches of snow where I’d already shoveled and it was still snowing. I re-shoveled that and then worked on finishing the rest of the driveway. Sure was a lot of work. Jacob had fun playing in the snow. He kept bringing me handfuls of snow and asking me if I wanted a bite of his carrot or pie. Our neighbor was using his tractor plow and helped me out at the end of our driveway, which was great. As I worked on clearing a spot for Jared to park Jacob started complaining that he was cold. I quickly finished up and we went inside. Jacob enjoyed some hot chocolate. Adam woke up around 4pm and Jared got home around 4:30. The boys hid on him under the little table, which I’d covered with a blanket. After dinner I went outside to take care of the animals. When I came back inside Jacob was hiding on me. The boys had fun walking around in my boots and shoes. Daddy read to the boys on the couch. Adam kept wanting to turn a bunch of pages at a time. Jacob hooked the stool (filled with things) to the back of the dump truck using the stethoscope. He’d come over to me or Daddy saying, “You wanna buy any-sing?” We had fun playing with him. Even Adam “bought” something from him. Jacob gave him a book and then Adam handed him some "money". The boys were tucked in bed around 9pm.


Anonymous said...

How much snow do you have. You have written about 10 inches more than once. Is this an unusual snow fall year? Sounds like JB is just parking at the road now. Wooo. We had about 2 hours in the 50's yesterday. Crazy weather but it did take the ice away. It's back to the real cold stuff by Monday for sure. Yesterday I made two apple pies and back to the 6 different drop cookies doubling and tripling the batches. Then off to Sarah Ellen's with all the pies and cookies. She is having a house full of family etc. for the next two weeks. The Russell Bakery is functioning well. Long Christmas choir rehearsal this morning.

Anonymous said...

Cuddle and hide; cuddle and hide; cuddle and hide; nap; cuddle and hide; cuddle and hide; cuddle and hide. Another day in Michigan!

Anonymous said...

We've had 30 inches of snow since Thanksgiving... I think it's record snow falls for Dec. Last year we had record snow falls for the entire winter... we're well on our way to topping that this year. Where's a little global warming when you need it... I think all the tons of ice that melted in the north poll has relocated to MI. Our driveway is awesome...Kimmy shoveled an amazing path while I was at work yesterday... just the right size for all the cars. I'm afraid to know how many cubic feet of snow she moved...but I'm going to measure and figure it out. Especially without an ergonomically designed shovel...


Anonymous said...

I believe global warming may cause changes in weather patterns that will mean that some places are colder than normal. I think it is a mistake to believe that global warming means that all parts of the globe will consistently be warmer throughout the year. Am I wrong, Mr. Biology Major?

Melissa said...

We got 12 inches of snow here and then some more again later. I tried taking the kids out to play in it but Max cried the whole time. It was up to my knees, so it was impossible for him to walk in it. I even shoveled a path for him to walk in but he still cried saying "I want to walk in the snow but I can't." He wasn't happy just riding around in the sled either. All he wanted to do was walk in the snow and he was fustrated that he couldn't. Sounds just like Adam. After about 10 minutes, we gave up and decided to go back inside. Max said "Ya, so we don't get buried." In some spots it was up to his chest so that's how he must have felt.

Anonymous said...

Get that lady a good shovel. That's just about the least you could do. She should be developing great arm muscles along with a strong back. Watch out JB.
Awesomely huge snow fall I would say.

Anonymous said...

See since heat rises it would make sense that all that ice melted at the north pole melted :)

Anonymous said... needs to determine where UP really is. Is up North and down South? Or is up Out and down In? Now for the Puesedo and the Not Real S. chew on this one for a while. I'll looking for a none confusing answer. You all make me laugh. I need help! I think the PCS is a bit crazy. I think it's to much of the NOT REAL S and the PCS being together at Thanksgiving. .