Tuesday, December 09, 2008

We got alot of snow during the night and today(total ~10 inches). Jared shoveled the driveway this morning before leaving for work. I was glad to hear from him when he got to work safely. The boys woke up around 9am. We ate breakfast, watched Clifford, and then got ready for the day. At 10:30 we headed into town. Adam had an 11am appointment to have his 18 month pictures taken. It took a while to get some good pictures because he just wanted me to hold him. Afterwards I took the boys to play in the middle of the mall. Jacob drove his "car" around. Then he drove it over to me saying, "my cars not acting right, its acting ter-ri-ble". When I asked him what car he was driving he said, "a Geo". We also walked thru the toy rows at Target. It was around 1pm when we got in the car. We ate lunch on the drive to the library. We took back some dvd's and got some new ones. Then the boys played at the train table. I then read some books to Jacob while Adam continued to play with the trains. As we were about to leave a little boys, around Jacob's age, came over and asked Jacob if he wanted to be his friend. Jacob looked at me and said, "Please can I play with the boy for a little bit". While they played I read some books to Adam. On the way home we were about to drive past Goodwill when Jacob said, "Maybe we should go to Goodwill". We stopped there before headed home. It had snowed all day and the roads were much worse on the drive home. We made it home around 3:30. I got Adam tucked in for his nap. Then Jacob and I went outside to shovel the driveway. While we were shoveling the driveway Jacob asked, "Are you doing alright?" After a little while he said, "Mommy say, are you doing alright". He sure did a lot of shoveling. He also liked playing in the big piles of shoveled snow. We were still shoveling when Jared came home from work. Our neighbor and his son and daughter came over. Jacob and Nick had fun playing together in the snow. Megan (who's 8yrs old) loves horses so I took her in the barn to see them. She liked feeding them handful's of hay. I told her she should bring them apples or carrots sometime. We shoveled a path for the chickens (Betty is the only chicken who will brave the snow). As I lifted the chickens water dish to rinse it out, a little mouse ran out from under it. We went back inside around 6pm. Soon after that Adam woke up. After dinner Jared had fun playing Super Mario on the Nintendo that Vikki sent home with me yesterday. It brought back memories from when he played this many years ago. Jacob sat by Daddy and they took turns playing. Adam wanted to play too so Daddy helped him. I then got out the markers and coloring books and we sat at the table to color some pictures. Jacob was excited to hang the pictures on the fridge. He did says he needs to finish the rest of his tomorrow. As I was praying with Adam before bed he prayed, "Mommy, Daddy, Awnt Bippi, Mack..." After our prayer we alway say "and God bless..." then we'll name all we can think of in the family. First he names as many people as he can think of and then I finish.


Melissa said...

I think it's funny that Jacob knows it's a Geo and doesn't just call it a car.

The Daddy said...

too funny...I wonder how long it will take Jared this time to get to the final world! I know last time it took him a while

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that you packed a lunch yesterday and that in today's account you ate lunch in the car. Thanks for keeping us posted.